World Carfree Network - Internal-mailinglist

About the WCN Internal mailinglist

I have set up a mailinglist, dedicated to discuss WCN internal issues only, like Strategic Plan and preparations of the AGM, financial issues like grants and membership fees, Personnel Matters (eg staff problems, if they cannot be solved by the ICC itself), improvements of the Statutes - things like that. The big list [carfree_network] cannot be used for it as there are extern people in it. The idea of the Internal list is to provide support to the Steering Committee and the ICC whenever needed. Clearly said: This internal list does not make any decisions, but it helps to prepare them.

Invited are active members and "best friends" of our network, those who feel somehow committed to its organizational and strategic issues and development.

At the moment, there are about 30 people in it, mostly: from several member organisations, also active individuals, the current and some previous ICC members, all Steeries, and some AB members.

List discussions and list memberships can be viewed only by list members.

For example, in August 09 we discussed the question of "consensus" vs. "majority voting" (about the decision-making process at AGMs, see Statutes Article 10).

The list is run by me as a private group, it is not an official WCN mailinglist. I offered to transfer its ownership to someone from the Steering Committee, but so far the Steeries feel it`s not needed.

If you want to join, send me an e-Mail, and, in case I don`t know you, please let me know who you are:
heller [at] worldcarfree [dot] net

About me.

Markus Heller

Page last modified on September 03, 2009, at 10:34 AM

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