World Carfree Network - SteeringCommittee

SteeringCommittee.MeetingMinutes2009 History

Show minor edits - Show changes to markup

January 01, 2010, at 08:51 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-6 from:

Minutes from special SC meeting 8 Nov 2009

Present: Eda, Tanja, Simon, Sam, Jane and Luis (some technical difficulties with Luis).

Notes: Simon.


Announcement - 31 December 2009

Agustin Villegas resigned from his position as SC observer.

Minutes from SC meeting 30 Nov 2009

Present: Eda Beyazit, Chris Bradshaw, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Sam Fleet, Pippa Gallop, Jane Harding, Luis Patricio and Agustin Villegas.

Notes: Jane

Changed lines 18-27 from:

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee


1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

2. Membership issues

3. TCC IX update

4. SC member participation (Simon)

Changed lines 27-30 from:
    * Approval of new member orgs

6. Date of next SC meeting


6. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 33-131 from:

1. For benefit of those not attending, we set the agenda for these meetings at least one week in advance. If you can't attend, please let us know and send some notes on the agenda topics in advance.

ACTION: Simon to send long version of Strategic plan with introduction to SC and upload to forum.

2. The 3E seminar, AGM and proposed development of a Carbusters action plan were summarised.

3. European SC:

http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p5.jpg http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p6.jpg

    * should meet annually
    * min. 3, max. 7 persons
    * responsible in theory for developing plan for WCNE/ICC
    * appoints European Management Committee

DECISION: The new European Steering Committee comprises Tanja Eskola, Simon Field and Jane Harding.

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/management.php http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p6.jpg

Radka is unable to contribute and Randy has stepped down. A few names were suggested. Knowledge, skills and commitment more important than proximity to ICC.

Simon was nominated and agreed to be on the MC.

Sam proposed Jane Harding, Daniel Mourek and Mikhael Krivohlavek (the latter two are already on the WCN-E Oversight Board. Markus Heller? Kamila Blazkova?

ACTION: all to suggest others and criteria for appointment.

5. AOB

New member orgs: Prospective member orgs Planka and EYFA were approved, using SC powers in the revised Global Statutes.

Sam's membership status: will join as an Active Individual Member.

Simon was approved to represent WCN at EC Future of Transport meeting in Brussels on 20 Nov 2009.

ACTION: all to complete contact details internal wiki page: http://www.worldcarfree.net/members/wiki/index.php?n=SteeringCommittee.ContactInfo

ACTION: all to send photo and text for SC page on website.

AGM meeting minutes will be circulated in due course; may be signed electronically.

Carbusters website to be launched nest week.

6. Date of next SC meeting

Likely to be Mon 23 Nov and Mon 30 Nov. Please indicate your availability at: http://www.doodle.com/tz5qmbesnbfbt5z7

SC election 7 Nov 2009 - the result

Following the election at the WCN AGM, the new steering committee comprises:

Eda Beyazit, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Sam Fleet, Jane Harding, Jason Meggs and Luis Patricio.

The new Steering Committee observers are:

Chris Bradshaw and Agustin Villegas.

Minutes from SC meeting 21 Oct 2009

Present: Eda Beyazit, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Gabrielle Hermann and Jason Meggs.

Notes: Simon


1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

    * finances
    * staff
    * projects 

3. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

4. SC applications

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

6. AOB

    * Management Committee

1. Update from the ICC


Added lines 38-101:

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Changed lines 166-171 from:

Management Committee: we need to find a member to replace Randy, preferable someone with prior knowledge of how WCN works.

7. Next meeting: after workshop, tbc but possibly on Monday 9 November.


- 4 applications from prospective members. We need to come up with a plan of how to accept and gain new members. Email will be sent for SC to come up with ideas how to do this. Subcommittee (Chris) to make recommendations and research.

7. Next SC Skype meeting (keep up with the doodle!)

- Monday 30 November, 21:00 Berlin time.

Changed lines 177-181 from:

Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.


Appointment of WCN Europe Management Committee

Simon Field, Markus Heller and Daniel Mourek were appointed to the WCN-E Management Committee On 11 November 2009.

Changed lines 185-190 from:

Minutes from SC meeting 9 Oct 2009 (concluded 15 Oct 2009)

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop plus Eda Beyazit for first part of meeting.

Notes: Simon


Minutes from special SC meeting 8 Nov 2009

Present: Eda, Tanja, Simon, Sam, Jane and Luis (some technical difficulties with Luis).

Notes: Simon.

Changed lines 193-213 from:

1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

    * finances
    * staff
    * projects 

3. November Workshop and AGM preparations

4. SC applications (Jason)

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

6. AOB

    * Todd Edelman
    * Network and project development post-AGM discussion
    * SC meeting post-AGM

7. Next SC skype meeting


Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

    * Approval of new member orgs

6. Date of next SC meeting

Added lines 210-293:

1. For benefit of those not attending, we set the agenda for these meetings at least one week in advance. If you can't attend, please let us know and send some notes on the agenda topics in advance.

ACTION: Simon to send long version of Strategic plan with introduction to SC and upload to forum.

2. The 3E seminar, AGM and proposed development of a Carbusters action plan were summarised.

3. European SC:

http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p5.jpg http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p6.jpg

    * should meet annually
    * min. 3, max. 7 persons
    * responsible in theory for developing plan for WCNE/ICC
    * appoints European Management Committee

DECISION: The new European Steering Committee comprises Tanja Eskola, Simon Field and Jane Harding.

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/management.php http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p6.jpg

Radka is unable to contribute and Randy has stepped down. A few names were suggested. Knowledge, skills and commitment more important than proximity to ICC.

Simon was nominated and agreed to be on the MC.

Sam proposed Jane Harding, Daniel Mourek and Mikhael Krivohlavek (the latter two are already on the WCN-E Oversight Board. Markus Heller? Kamila Blazkova?

ACTION: all to suggest others and criteria for appointment.

5. AOB

New member orgs: Prospective member orgs Planka and EYFA were approved, using SC powers in the revised Global Statutes.

Sam's membership status: will join as an Active Individual Member.

Simon was approved to represent WCN at EC Future of Transport meeting in Brussels on 20 Nov 2009.

ACTION: all to complete contact details internal wiki page: http://www.worldcarfree.net/members/wiki/index.php?n=SteeringCommittee.ContactInfo

ACTION: all to send photo and text for SC page on website.

AGM meeting minutes will be circulated in due course; may be signed electronically.

Carbusters website to be launched nest week.

6. Date of next SC meeting

Likely to be Mon 23 Nov and Mon 30 Nov. Please indicate your availability at: http://www.doodle.com/tz5qmbesnbfbt5z7

SC election 7 Nov 2009 - the result

Following the election at the WCN AGM, the new steering committee comprises:

Eda Beyazit, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Sam Fleet, Jane Harding, Jason Meggs and Luis Patricio.

The new Steering Committee observers are:

Chris Bradshaw and Agustin Villegas.

Minutes from SC meeting 21 Oct 2009

Present: Eda Beyazit, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Gabrielle Hermann and Jason Meggs.

Notes: Simon


Changed lines 296-317 from:


2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

    * finances
    * staff
    * projects 

3. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

4. SC applications

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

6. AOB

    * Management Committee
Added lines 310-341:

Changed lines 344-345 from:


Second membership drive e-mail sent yesterday, mainly to Member Orgs in N. and S. America. Bank transfers are unpopular among Members, so have to rely on Kagi for now (at least 1 month to receive payments).

Not all SC members are on carfree_memberorgs mailing list. Eda, Simon and Pippa will be added. It is now possible to send messages to this list.

ACTION: Pippa to send reminder e-mail about membership fees to carfree_memberorgs on behalf of SC.

Changed lines 352-377 from:


ICC opinions on the future of Carbusters vary widely. Needs to be discussed in more detail at the AGM/workshop.

3. Prague 3E seminar 4-6 November and AGM 7 November 2009

20 registrations for the workshop so far. Possibly only 6 staying for AGM.

A disappointing level of activity on the online forum. It would be useful to have the list of project priorities as decided in Prague in February, but the final forum discussion could be broadened to discuss wider priorities for next year e.g. lobbying, public outreach, membership development.

ACTION: send online forum reminders and all to stimulate debate in the Strategic Plan thread.

ACTION: Tanja to initiate 2010 priorities discussion.

Changed lines 368-377 from:


Changed lines 389-404 from:


Management Committee: we need to find a member to replace Randy, preferable someone with prior knowledge of how WCN works.

7. Next meeting: after workshop, tbc but possibly on Monday 9 November.

Changed lines 398-412 from:

Steering Committee decision of 31 Aug 2009

The SC voted on whether to retain Global Statutes article 10e:

A specific consensus-based decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting.

or change it to:

A majority rules decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting. The goal is to reach as much agreement as possible, therefore minorities need time to be heard before a decision is made.

Result: 3x change, 2x retain, 2x cannot decide.

The SC could not reach a decision - it will therefore look at this issue again after the next AGM.


Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.

Changed lines 406-409 from:

Minutes from SC meeting 25 Aug 2009

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Steph Routh. For part of meeting: Jason Meggs.


Minutes from SC meeting 9 Oct 2009 (concluded 15 Oct 2009)

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop plus Eda Beyazit for first part of meeting.

Changed lines 414-416 from:

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)


1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 421-426 from:

2. Workshop and AGM preparations

    * membership issues
    * online forum & facilitation 

3. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)


3. November Workshop and AGM preparations

Changed lines 428-431 from:

    * Todd Edelman
    * Network and project development post-AGM discussion
    * SC meeting post-AGM

Changed lines 437-438 from:

1. ICC update:


Changed lines 454-455 from:

Three EVS payments are pending. A drive to collect outstanding membership fees has not happened yet. A problem is that the CB subscriber and Individual Member databases are out of date. Another is bank fees when converting Euros to Czech Koruna: an alternative bank in e.g. Berlin or Amsterdam should be found. (did I understand this right; banks are not allowed to charge fees for intra-EU transfers)


Euro bank account with low transaction fees to be opened in Slovakia. Credit card will be used to pay for seminar and ease present cash flow problems.

Changed lines 458-465 from:


Added lines 468-592:

November 22, 2009, at 11:49 PM by SF
Changed lines 7-24 from:


Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting




Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting


November 22, 2009, at 11:46 PM by SF
Added lines 1-96:

Minutes from special SC meeting 8 Nov 2009

Present: Eda, Tanja, Simon, Sam, Jane and Luis (some technical difficulties with Luis).

Notes: Simon.


Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting


1. For benefit of those not attending, we set the agenda for these meetings at least one week in advance. If you can't attend, please let us know and send some notes on the agenda topics in advance.

ACTION: Simon to send long version of Strategic plan with introduction to SC and upload to forum.

2. The 3E seminar, AGM and proposed development of a Carbusters action plan were summarised.

3. European SC:

http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p5.jpg http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p6.jpg

    * should meet annually
    * min. 3, max. 7 persons
    * responsible in theory for developing plan for WCNE/ICC
    * appoints European Management Committee

DECISION: The new European Steering Committee comprises Tanja Eskola, Simon Field and Jane Harding.

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/management.php http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/europe/wcn-eu-statutes-12sep2006_p6.jpg

Radka is unable to contribute and Randy has stepped down. A few names were suggested. Knowledge, skills and commitment more important than proximity to ICC.

Sam proposed Jane Harding, Daniel Mourek and Mikhael Krivohlavek (the latter two are already on the WCN-E Oversight Board. Kamila Blazkova?

ACTION: all to suggest others and criteria for appointment.

5. AOB

Sam's membership status: will join as an Active Individual Member.

Simon was approved to represent WCN at EC Future of Transport meeting in Brussels on 20 Nov 2009.

ACTION: all to complete contact details internal wiki page: http://www.worldcarfree.net/members/wiki/index.php?n=SteeringCommittee.ContactInfo

ACTION: all to send photo and text for SC page on website.

AGM meeting minutes will be circulated in due course; may be signed electronically.

Carbusters website to be launched nest week.

6. Date of next SC meeting

Likely to be Mon 23 Nov and Mon 30 Nov. Please indicate your availability at: http://www.doodle.com/tz5qmbesnbfbt5z7

SC election 7 Nov 2009 - the result

Following the election at the WCN AGM, the new steering committee comprises:

Eda Beyazit, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Sam Fleet, Jane Harding, Jason Meggs and Luis Patricio.

The new Steering Committee observers are:

Chris Bradshaw and Agustin Villegas.

Deleted line 181:

Added lines 209-216:

Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.

Deleted lines 337-344:

Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.

November 22, 2009, at 10:54 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-30 from:

Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.

Steering Committee decision of 31 Aug 2009

The SC voted on whether to retain Global Statutes article 10e:

A specific consensus-based decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting.

or change it to:

A majority rules decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting. The goal is to reach as much agreement as possible, therefore minorities need time to be heard before a decision is made.

Result: 3x change, 2x retain, 2x cannot decide.

The SC could not reach a decision - it will therefore look at this issue again after the next AGM.

Minutes from SC meeting 25 Aug 2009

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Steph Routh. For part of meeting: Jason Meggs.


Minutes from SC meeting 21 Oct 2009

Present: Eda Beyazit, Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Gabrielle Hermann and Jason Meggs.

Changed lines 9-11 from:

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)


1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 16-23 from:

2. Workshop and AGM preparations

    * membership issues
    * online forum & facilitation 

3. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

4. SC applications (Jason)


3. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

4. SC applications

Changed lines 23-24 from:

    * Management Committee

Changed lines 30-31 from:

1. ICC update:


Changed lines 51-52 from:

Three EVS payments are pending. A drive to collect outstanding membership fees has not happened yet. A problem is that the CB subscriber and Individual Member databases are out of date. Another is bank fees when converting Euros to Czech Koruna: an alternative bank in e.g. Berlin or Amsterdam should be found. (did I understand this right; banks are not allowed to charge fees for intra-EU transfers)


Lenka is helping to open Slovak Euro bank account.

Changed lines 55-62 from:


Paperwork for EVS accreditation submitted. We cannot apply for new volunteers before the next deadline. The earliest we can apply in February 2010, for volunteers to arrive in May. 5 volunteers at the moment; will be 4 from December, 3 from February. Lenka is staying at least until the end of January.


Second membership drive e-mail sent yesterday, mainly to Member Orgs in N. and S. America. Bank transfers are unpopular among Members, so have to rely on Kagi for now (at least 1 month to receive payments).

Not all SC members are on carfree_memberorgs mailing list. Eda, Simon and Pippa will be added. It is now possible to send messages to this list.

ACTION: Pippa to send reminder e-mail about membership fees to carfree_memberorgs on behalf of SC.

Changed lines 67-131 from:


ICC opinions on the future of Carbusters vary widely. Needs to be discussed in more detail at the AGM/workshop.

3. Prague 3E seminar 4-6 November and AGM 7 November 2009

20 registrations for the workshop so far. Possibly only 6 staying for AGM.

A disappointing level of activity on the online forum. It would be useful to have the list of project priorities as decided in Prague in February, but the final forum discussion could be broadened to discuss wider priorities for next year e.g. lobbying, public outreach, membership development.

ACTION: send online forum reminders and all to stimulate debate in the Strategic Plan thread.

ACTION: Tanja to initiate 2010 priorities discussion.

4. SC applications

Johan Offermans works for Johnson & Johnson: see also the following e-mails:



ACTION: all to put questions and comments to prospective steeries via forum. We should then decide on a shortlist.

Jason commented that references should be sought and checked, but others felt that would be too time-consuming and we generally prefer people already active in the carfree movement.

Changed lines 96-102 from:

New dates are 28 June to 1 July 2010, to avoid clash with VeloCity conference. More next time.

6. AOB - none.

7. Next meeting: Thursday 24 September, 18:00 CET.


Changed lines 114-206 from:


Changed lines 204-231 from:


Changed lines 235-326 from:


Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.

Steering Committee decision of 31 Aug 2009

The SC voted on whether to retain Global Statutes article 10e:

A specific consensus-based decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting.

or change it to:

A majority rules decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting. The goal is to reach as much agreement as possible, therefore minorities need time to be heard before a decision is made.

Result: 3x change, 2x retain, 2x cannot decide.

The SC could not reach a decision - it will therefore look at this issue again after the next AGM.

Minutes from SC meeting 25 Aug 2009

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Steph Routh. For part of meeting: Jason Meggs.

Notes: Simon

Changed lines 269-280 from:

1. Facilitator, note-taker etc.

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

    * ? office move financial data ?
    * South Africa
    * TCC X - see item 5
    * New SC members
    * Carfree blog 

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)


1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 274-280 from:

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

    * face-to-face AGM
    * online participation & facilitation AGM 

5. TCC X update


2. Workshop and AGM preparations

    * membership issues
    * online forum & facilitation 

3. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

4. SC applications (Jason)

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

Deleted lines 285-286:
    * TCC VIII Portland evaluation 

Added lines 288-527:

Added lines 530-607:

Added lines 610-638:
    * ? office move financial data ?
    * South Africa
    * TCC X - see item 5
    * New SC members
    * Carfree blog 

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

    * finances
    * staff
    * projects 

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

    * face-to-face AGM
    * online participation & facilitation AGM 

5. TCC X update

6. AOB

    * TCC VIII Portland evaluation 

7. Next SC skype meeting


2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

October 19, 2009, at 07:31 PM by SF
Added lines 1-8:

Steering Committee news - 19 Oct 2009

SC observer Fran Levy stepped down from her position to make way for others at the forthcoming AGM. She has been removed from the SC mailing list.

Added line 26:

September 28, 2009, at 04:51 PM by Simon Field
Deleted lines 0-125:

Changed lines 143-148 from:

World Carfree Network Steering Committee monthly meeting minutes

Minutes from SC meeting 24 June 2009

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Gabby Hermann, Jason Meggs


SC Meeting: 28.07.2009

Present: Tanja, Simon, Pippa, Jason, Steph (for part of it).

Added lines 149-276:

September 24, 2009, at 09:09 PM by Pippa
Added lines 1-126:

September 04, 2009, at 11:50 AM by SF
Added lines 1-17:

Steering Committee decision of 31 Aug 2009

The SC voted on whether to retain Global Statutes article 10e:

A specific consensus-based decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting.

or change it to:

A majority rules decision-making process to be used at the AGM must be chosen by the Steering Committee at least 60 days prior to the meeting. The goal is to reach as much agreement as possible, therefore minorities need time to be heard before a decision is made.

Result: 3x change, 2x retain, 2x cannot decide.

The SC could not reach a decision - it will therefore look at this issue again after the next AGM.

September 04, 2009, at 11:38 AM by SF
Changed lines 1-92 from:


Minutes from SC meeting 25 Aug 2009

Present: Tanja Eskola, Simon Field, Pippa Gallop, Steph Routh. For part of meeting: Jason Meggs.

Notes: Simon

Changed lines 9-20 from:

1. Facilitator, note-taker etc.

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

    * ? office move financial data ?
    * South Africa
    * TCC X - see item 5
    * New SC members
    * Carfree blog 

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)


1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 14-20 from:

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

    * face-to-face AGM
    * online participation & facilitation AGM 

5. TCC X update


2. Workshop and AGM preparations

    * membership issues
    * online forum & facilitation 

3. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

4. SC applications (Jason)

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

Deleted lines 25-26:
    * TCC VIII Portland evaluation 

Added lines 28-139:

Added lines 142-219:

Added lines 222-250:
    * ? office move financial data ?
    * South Africa
    * TCC X - see item 5
    * New SC members
    * Carfree blog 

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

    * finances
    * staff
    * projects 

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

    * face-to-face AGM
    * online participation & facilitation AGM 

5. TCC X update

6. AOB

    * TCC VIII Portland evaluation 

7. Next SC skype meeting


2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

August 04, 2009, at 03:49 PM by SF
Changed lines 15-18 from:




August 04, 2009, at 03:48 PM by SF
Changed lines 9-15 from:


August 04, 2009, at 03:47 PM by SF
Changed lines 9-10 from:


Changed lines 12-13 from:

3. Actions from last meeting


3. Actions from last meeting'''

July 31, 2009, at 07:41 PM by Pippa
Changed lines 3-4 from:

Minutes from SC meeting 28 May 2009


Minutes from SC meeting 24 June 2009

Added lines 7-84:

July 31, 2009, at 07:35 PM by Pippa
Changed lines 159-160 from:

10. ? Portland AGM evaluation follow-up: unclear from


10. ? Portland AGM evaluation follow-up: unclear from the skype notes - discuss at next meeting.

July 31, 2009, at 07:34 PM by Pippa
Added lines 3-162:

May 05, 2009, at 09:56 PM by SF
Changed lines 231-232 from:
  1. 1. ICC update


1. ICC update

Changed lines 240-253 from:
  1. 2. TCC IX alternatives

  2. 3. AGM process reform

  3. 4. Strategic planning meeting

  4. 5. Green Idea Factory WCN membership

  5. 6. AOB

  6. 7. Date of next SC Skype meeting


2. TCC IX alternatives

3. AGM process reform

4. Strategic planning meeting

5. Green Idea Factory WCN membership

6. AOB

7. Date of next SC Skype meeting

May 05, 2009, at 09:35 PM by Jason Meggs
Changed lines 106-107 from:

This is being piloted. Can steeries have a sneak preview? Simon interested in contributing. EVS volunteers are developing marketing ideas and soliciting pieces from contributors, ready to go live with a promotional launch planned for mid-May. Blog will be used to promote work of Member Organisations.


This is being piloted. Can steeries have a sneak preview? Simon, Jason and possibly others interested in contributing. EVS volunteers are developing marketing ideas and soliciting pieces from contributors, ready to go live with a promotional launch planned for mid-May. Blog will be used to promote work of Member Organisations. Jason and Steph emphasize importance of preparing blog in advance so there's interesting content when it's launched.

May 05, 2009, at 07:36 PM by SF
Added lines 1-490:

Page last modified on January 01, 2010, at 08:51 PM

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