World Carfree Network - SteeringCommittee

SteeringCommittee.CurrentAgenda History

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June 17, 2010, at 03:46 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for AGM special meeting on 17 June 2010 (Skype conference call at 18:30 CET)


Agenda for AGM special meeting on 17 June 2010 (Skype conference call at 18:15 CET)

June 17, 2010, at 03:43 PM by SF
Added lines 5-6:

(go through minutes of 2009 AGM?)

June 17, 2010, at 03:41 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for AGM special meeting on 3 June 2010 (Skype conference call at 18:30 CET)


Agenda for AGM special meeting on 17 June 2010 (Skype conference call at 18:30 CET)

Changed lines 8-17 from:
    --> dealing with strategic plan
    --> office plan / future of ICC
    --> governance of the Network

2. SC election

3. AGM after TCC X in Mexico - 25 June 2011 ???

4. AOB


2. Dealing with strategic planning

3. Governance of the Network

4. SC election

June 01, 2010, at 08:04 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 27 May 2010 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)


Agenda for AGM special meeting on 3 June 2010 (Skype conference call at 18:30 CET)

Changed lines 5-16 from:

1. Update from the ICC (Alex, Simon)

2. Institutional Membership proposal: fees

3. TCC IX update (Simon)

4. TCC X update (Simon)

5. AGM preparations

  • facilitation
  • agenda items: http://www.worldcarfree.net/members/wiki/index.php?n=AGM2010.Agenda

1. AGM Agenda overview

  • http://www.worldcarfree.net/members/wiki/index.php?n=AGM2010.Agenda
Changed line 9 from:
    --> future of ICC
    --> office plan / future of ICC
Changed lines 11-63 from:
  • SC election
  • who's coming + available to help with preparations?

6. "Paul Goodman Changed My Life" film proposal

7. AOB

8. Date of next meeting

Agenda for 30 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker

1. Update from the ICC Emphasized''- Is the ICC composed by Basak Cidem Tanja Skola Jane Harding Daria Samokhvalova Marko Thull Radka Thichavska Alexander Berthelsen Anna

  • finances
  • staff (any further discussion on the necessity of an office manager)
  • projects

2. Membership issues

  • Steeries outside Europe to assist in getting in touch with members

'-ok, ag'

  • Discussion on the institutional members. How to set the criterias?

- propose a new branch or group, ag

  • Update from the SC members on recommendations for accepting and gaining new members.

''- have celebrate wcfd for 3 years, or particiapte in at least one tcfc and celebrate two wcfd''

3. TCC IX update

4. Participation of SC members (to Skype meetings and the discussions on the e-mail group)

    * SC list facilitation

5. Any Other Business (AOB)

6. Next SC skype meeting (keep up with the doodle) - Schedule december 2009 and january 2010- vacations, ag


2. SC election

3. AGM after TCC X in Mexico - 25 June 2011 ???

4. AOB

5. Date of next SC meeting

Changed lines 23-26 from:

Agenda for 23 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker


Agenda for Special Meeting 8 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

Added lines 30-47:

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

Deleted lines 48-88:
  • projects (any further discussion on the project priorities), Youth Exchange 2010, Carbusters, Carfree Cookbook

3. Membership issues

  • Membership fees
  • New member organisations

4. Update on the Management Committee

5. Report back from Brussels (Simon)

6. AOB

7. Next SC skype meeting (keep up with the doodle)

Agenda for Special Meeting 8 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

Changed lines 152-161 from:
  • We need somebody from the Network to assist the ICC with the WCD inquiries (few per week from the medias and municipalities)

  • We need somebody from the Network to assist the ICC with the WCD inquiries (few per week from the medias and municipalities)
May 27, 2010, at 08:13 AM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 19 April 2010 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)


Agenda for 27 May 2010 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Changed lines 7-8 from:

2. Membership issues


2. Institutional Membership proposal: fees

Changed lines 11-12 from:

4. TCC X proposal (all to read before meeting)


4. TCC X update (Simon)

Changed lines 15-19 from:
  • agenda items
  • facilitation
  • agenda items: http://www.worldcarfree.net/members/wiki/index.php?n=AGM2010.Agenda
    --> dealing with strategic plan
    --> future of ICC
    --> governance of the Network
Changed lines 21-23 from:

6. Project proposals (continued)

  • who's coming + available to help with preparations?

6. "Paul Goodman Changed My Life" film proposal

Changed lines 29-32 from:

Agenda for 22 February 2010 (Skype conference call at 20:30 CET)


Agenda for 30 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Deleted lines 36-62:

1. Update from the ICC - Alex

  • Usual update
  • projects inc. Carbusters

2. Membership - brief update and institutional members

3. TCC IX - Simon

4. TCC X proposals

5. SP and project ideas

6. SC: communication and list facilitation

7. Replacement for Agustin

8. Next meeting

Agenda for 30 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker

April 13, 2010, at 03:00 PM by SF
Changed lines 20-21 from:

7. Date of next meeting


7. AOB

8. Date of next meeting

April 13, 2010, at 02:59 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 23 March 2010 (Skype conference call at 16:00 CET)


Agenda for 19 April 2010 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Changed lines 5-6 from:

1. Update from the ICC (Alex)


1. Update from the ICC (Alex, Simon)

Deleted lines 8-11:
  • Membership drive

  • Approving prospective member orgs

Changed lines 11-14 from:

4. TCC X proposals (Eda and others)

5. AGM preperations (pre-thoughts)


4. TCC X proposal (all to read before meeting)

5. AGM preparations

  • agenda items
  • SC election

Changed lines 22-23 from:



March 23, 2010, at 03:00 PM by eda
Changed lines 7-8 from:

'2. Membership issues


2. Membership issues

March 23, 2010, at 03:00 PM by eda
Added lines 1-24:

Agenda for 23 March 2010 (Skype conference call at 16:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker

1. Update from the ICC (Alex)

'2. Membership issues

  • Membership drive

  • Approving prospective member orgs

3. TCC IX update (Simon)

4. TCC X proposals (Eda and others)

5. AGM preperations (pre-thoughts)

6. Project proposals (continued)

7. Date of next meeting


February 19, 2010, at 03:59 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 20 January 2010 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)


Agenda for 22 February 2010 (Skype conference call at 20:30 CET)

February 19, 2010, at 03:57 PM by SF
Changed lines 5-6 from:

1. Update from the ICC


1. Update from the ICC - Alex

Changed lines 8-16 from:
  • Carbusters Financial Situation
  • Membership issues

2. WCN coverage issues


4.Next SC Skype meeting

  • projects inc. Carbusters

2. Membership - brief update and institutional members

3. TCC IX - Simon

4. TCC X proposals

5. SP and project ideas

6. SC: communication and list facilitation

7. Replacement for Agustin

8. Next meeting

January 20, 2010, at 04:35 PM by Eda
Changed lines 7-10 from:

'Usual update' 'Carbusters Financial Situation' 'Membership issues'

  • Usual update
  • Carbusters Financial Situation
  • Membership issues

January 20, 2010, at 04:34 PM by eda
Added line 6:

January 20, 2010, at 04:33 PM by eda
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 30 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)


Agenda for 20 January 2010 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Added lines 6-23:

'Usual update' 'Carbusters Financial Situation' 'Membership issues'

2. WCN coverage issues


4.Next SC Skype meeting

Agenda for 30 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker

1. Update from the ICC

November 30, 2009, at 04:26 PM by SF
Changed lines 14-15 from:

actually as in webpage wcfn appear?,ag''



Changed lines 25-26 from:

- propose a new branche or group, ag


- propose a new branch or group, ag

Changed lines 34-37 from:

5. AOB -what does it mean, thanks, ag

    * SC list facilitation

5. Any Other Business (AOB)

November 30, 2009, at 05:59 AM by AG
Added lines 6-15:

Emphasized''- Is the ICC composed by Basak Cidem Tanja Skola Jane Harding Daria Samokhvalova Marko Thull Radka Thichavska Alexander Berthelsen actually as in webpage wcfn appear?,ag''

Added lines 22-23:

'-ok, ag'

Changed lines 25-26 from:
  • Update from the SC members on recommendations for accepting and gaining new members


- propose a new branche or group, ag

  • Update from the SC members on recommendations for accepting and gaining new members.

''- have celebrate wcfd for 3 years, or particiapte in at least one tcfc and celebrate two wcfd''

Changed lines 36-37 from:


-what does it mean, thanks, ag

Changed lines 39-40 from:


- Schedule december 2009 and january 2010- vacations, ag

November 29, 2009, at 11:35 PM by Eda
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 23 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)


Agenda for 30 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Added lines 5-28:

1. Update from the ICC

  • finances
  • staff (any further discussion on the necessity of an office manager)
  • projects

2. Membership issues

  • Steeries outside Europe to assist in getting in touch with members
  • Discussion on the institutional members. How to set the criterias?
  • Update from the SC members on recommendations for accepting and gaining new members

3. TCC IX update

4. Participation of SC members (to Skype meetings and the discussions on the e-mail group)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting (keep up with the doodle)

Agenda for 23 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker

November 22, 2009, at 11:06 PM by Eda
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Agenda for Special Meeting 8 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB


Agenda for 23 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 21:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker

Deleted lines 6-23:

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

Added lines 8-48:
  • projects (any further discussion on the project priorities), Youth Exchange 2010, Carbusters, Carfree Cookbook

3. Membership issues

  • Membership fees
  • New member organisations

4. Update on the Management Committee

5. Report back from Brussels (Simon)

6. AOB

7. Next SC skype meeting (keep up with the doodle)

Agenda for Special Meeting 8 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

November 08, 2009, at 05:30 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 21 October 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)


Agenda for Special Meeting 8 November 2009 (Skype conference call at 19:00 CET)

Changed lines 5-31 from:

1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  1. tbc

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

3. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

  • Workshop news: programme, speakers, events, venues
  • Post-AGM SC meeting and follow-ups
  • AGM online discussion forum update/technical issues
  • Forum 1: Statutes
  • Forum 2: Short-term project priorities
  • Forum 3: Strategic Plan
  • Forum 4: SC/AB election

4. SC applications

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

6. AOB

7. Next SC skype meeting


1. Welcome to new SC members and introductions

2. Capacity building seminar, 2009 AGM and Network Development seminar - brief summary

3. Appointment of European Steering Committee

4. WCN Europe Management Committee

5. AOB

6. Date of next SC meeting

October 21, 2009, at 08:02 PM by SF
Changed lines 28-29 from:
  • Todd Edelman


October 13, 2009, at 02:17 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 9 October 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)


Agenda for 21 October 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)

Changed lines 7-17 from:
  1. Tanja to circulate details of the Prague 'Carfree Actions' seminar - 4 to 8 Nov 2009 - and follow-up Hannover carfree day presentation offer.

  2. Tanja/ICC to open Prague seminar registration and publish programme by 2 October.

  3. Simon to draft questionnaire for potential SC members seeking election.

  4. Simon/Daria to prepare instructions for online forum. Topics to be announced by 2 October: Tanja to write to orgs; Simon to write to big list. Start discussions 6 October. Facilitation as per previous minutes.

  5. ICC to work on membership drive.

  1. tbc

Added line 16:
  • Post-AGM SC meeting and follow-ups
Changed lines 22-23 from:
  • AOB


October 01, 2009, at 09:58 AM by SF
Changed line 7 from:
  1. * a) Tanja to circulate details of the Prague 'Carfree Actions' seminar - 4 to 8 Nov 2009 - and follow-up Hannover carfree day presentation offer.
  1. Tanja to circulate details of the Prague 'Carfree Actions' seminar - 4 to 8 Nov 2009 - and follow-up Hannover carfree day presentation offer.
Changed line 9 from:
  • b) Tanja/ICC to open Prague seminar registration and publish programme by 2 October.
  1. Tanja/ICC to open Prague seminar registration and publish programme by 2 October.
Changed lines 11-17 from:
  • c) Simon to draft questionnaire for potential SC members seeking election.

  • d) Simon/Daria to prepare instructions for online forum. Topics to be announced by 2 October: Tanja to write to orgs; Simon to write to big list. Start discussions 6 October. Facilitation as per previous minutes.

  • e) ICC to work on membership drive.

  1. Simon to draft questionnaire for potential SC members seeking election.

  2. Simon/Daria to prepare instructions for online forum. Topics to be announced by 2 October: Tanja to write to orgs; Simon to write to big list. Start discussions 6 October. Facilitation as per previous minutes.

  3. ICC to work on membership drive.

October 01, 2009, at 09:57 AM by SF
Changed lines 6-7 from:
  • a) Tanja to circulate details of the Prague 'Carfree Actions' seminar - 4 to 8 Nov 2009 - and follow-up Hannover carfree day presentation offer.

  1. * a) Tanja to circulate details of the Prague 'Carfree Actions' seminar - 4 to 8 Nov 2009 - and follow-up Hannover carfree day presentation offer.
Added line 17:

Deleted lines 44-69:

Agenda for 25 August 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

2. URGENT: Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

  • Todd Edelman/'Green Idea Factory'

3. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

4. SC applications (Jason?)

5. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

6. AOB

7. Next SC skype meeting

October 01, 2009, at 09:55 AM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 24 September 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)


Agenda for 9 October 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)

Changed lines 6-9 from:

2. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

  • Hopefully agreed before the meeting

  • a) Tanja to circulate details of the Prague 'Carfree Actions' seminar - 4 to 8 Nov 2009 - and follow-up Hannover carfree day presentation offer.

  • b) Tanja/ICC to open Prague seminar registration and publish programme by 2 October.

  • c) Simon to draft questionnaire for potential SC members seeking election.

  • d) Simon/Daria to prepare instructions for online forum. Topics to be announced by 2 October: Tanja to write to orgs; Simon to write to big list. Start discussions 6 October. Facilitation as per previous minutes.

  • e) ICC to work on membership drive.

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

Changed lines 30-31 from:

4. SC applications (Jason?)


4. SC applications

Changed lines 35-36 from:

  • Todd Edelman

Changed lines 69-93 from:

Agenda for 29 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 17:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

2. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

3. AGM preparations

  • see doc circulated by Eda

4. SC applications

  • see spreadsheet circulated by Simon

5. Statutes

6. AOB

  • ? membership issues ?

7. Next SC skype meeting


Changed lines 107-131 from:

Agenda for 1 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • Membership fees - see item 5
  • TCC 2010 - see item 4
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation - follow up
  • Inactive and potential new steeries - next steps

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

4. TCC IX (2010) update

  • see hosting agreement sent by Simon on 29/06/09

5. Membership issues

6. AOB

7. Next SC skype meeting


Agenda for 23 September 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome Eda! Welcome all! Brief introductions and time commitments

2. Electing a notetaker for the meeting

3. Update from the ICC - Tanja

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

4. Follow-up from the previous meeting

  • SC's internal workings (facilitation, meetings, communications etc.)
  • Overview on our tasks for 2008-2009; Strategic plan 08-09; AGM development; Project priorities; Annual workplan for the ICC
  • How to work on those?
  • Individual member's tasks (or roles/skills)

5. Approval of provisional member organizations

  • See Justin's email/AGM decision

6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress? - Simon

7. Individual members - Who are they? (Their role in the network & how to engage them) - Tanja

  • Who are the individual members (statutes vs. practice)?
  • What do they want/expect to be?
  • What do we want them to be?
  • Should we treat them like member orgs or as donators?
  • How are we treating the them now?

8. Membership fee proposal - Tanja

  • 4 different categories, 2 alternate dates twice per year
  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter? Requires a change in the statutes..)

9. Communication between SC and AB - Simon.

Deleted lines 148-397:

August 29, 2009, at 11:45 AM by SF
Changed lines 5-7 from:

1. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)


1. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

2. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

Changed line 10 from:

2. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)


3. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

Changed lines 19-27 from:

3. SC applications (Jason?)

4. TCC IX update (Simon)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting


4. SC applications (Jason?)

5. TCC IX update (Simon)

6. AOB

7. Next SC skype meeting

August 27, 2009, at 09:54 AM by SF
Added lines 1-28:

Agenda for 24 September 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

  • Hopefully agreed before the meeting

2. November Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

  • Workshop news: programme, speakers, events, venues
  • AGM online discussion forum update/technical issues
  • Forum 1: Statutes
  • Forum 2: Short-term project priorities
  • Forum 3: Strategic Plan
  • Forum 4: SC/AB election
  • AOB

3. SC applications (Jason?)

4. TCC IX update (Simon)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

August 25, 2009, at 03:48 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 26 August 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)


Agenda for 25 August 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)

August 15, 2009, at 04:32 PM by SF
Changed lines 15-16 from:

4. SC applications


4. SC applications (Jason?)

August 15, 2009, at 04:30 PM by SF
Changed lines 11-12 from:

  • Todd Edelman/'Green Idea Factory'

August 04, 2009, at 03:59 PM by SF
Changed lines 10-11 from:

2. URGENT: AGM preparations (all)


2. URGENT: Workshop and AGM preparations (all)

August 04, 2009, at 03:59 PM by SF
Changed line 5 from:

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)


1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 10-13 from:


URGENT: AGM preparations



2. URGENT: AGM preparations (all)

Changed lines 16-17 from:

5. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)


5. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

August 04, 2009, at 03:58 PM by SF
Changed lines 10-11 from:

'''2. !! URGENT: AGM preparations



URGENT: AGM preparations

August 04, 2009, at 03:57 PM by SF
Changed lines 10-12 from:

2. '+URGENT: AGM preparations+' (all)

  • see doc circulated by Eda


'''2. !! URGENT: AGM preparations (all)

August 04, 2009, at 03:56 PM by SF
Deleted lines 2-8:


Agenda for 29 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 17:00 CET)

Changed lines 10-12 from:

2. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

3. AGM preparations


2. '+URGENT: AGM preparations+' (all)

Added lines 13-14:

3. Statutes (Pippa and Simon)

Changed lines 16-19 from:
  • see spreadsheet circulated by Simon

5. Statutes


5. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

Changed lines 20-21 from:
  • ? membership issues ?


Changed lines 27-37 from:

Agenda for 1 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • Membership fees - see item 5
  • TCC 2010 - see item 4
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation - follow up
  • Inactive and potential new steeries - next steps

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)


Agenda for 29 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 17:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 36-40 from:

4. TCC IX (2010) update

  • see hosting agreement sent by Simon on 29/06/09

5. Membership issues


2. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

3. AGM preparations

  • see doc circulated by Eda

4. SC applications

  • see spreadsheet circulated by Simon

5. Statutes

Changed lines 47-48 from:

  • ? membership issues ?

Changed lines 55-58 from:

Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.


Agenda for 1 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

Changed lines 60-65 from:
  • ? office move financial data ?
  • South Africa
  • TCC X - see item 5
  • New SC members
  • Carfree blog

  • Membership fees - see item 5
  • TCC 2010 - see item 4
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation - follow up
  • Inactive and potential new steeries - next steps

Changed lines 70-75 from:

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

  • face-to-face AGM
  • online participation & facilitation AGM

5. TCC X update


4. TCC IX (2010) update

  • see hosting agreement sent by Simon on 29/06/09

5. Membership issues

Changed lines 76-77 from:
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation


Changed lines 83-84 from:

Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 87-97 from:

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • Management Committee
  • projects

3. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM (postponed from last meeting)

4. TCC IX - South Africa


2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • ? office move financial data ?
  • South Africa
  • TCC X - see item 5
  • New SC members
  • Carfree blog

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

  • face-to-face AGM
  • online participation & facilitation AGM

Changed lines 105-114 from:

6. European meeting and AGM

7. SC composition after next AGM

  • Who wants to stand again?

8. AOB

9. Next SC skype meeting


6. AOB

  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation

7. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 114-115 from:

Agenda for 11 March 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)

Deleted lines 117-139:

2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Agenda for 11 February 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

Changed lines 124-133 from:

3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting


3. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM (postponed from last meeting)

4. TCC IX - South Africa

5. TCC X update

6. European meeting and AGM

7. SC composition after next AGM

  • Who wants to stand again?

8. AOB

9. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 144-145 from:

Agenda for 21 January 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 March 2009 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 148-164 from:

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?


2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 167-168 from:

Agenda for 14 January 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 February 2009 (Skype conference call)

Deleted line 171:
  • projects
Changed lines 174-209 from:

3. TCC IX progress

  • Outcome of meeting with Brussels

4. TCC X proposals update

5. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

6. Membership fees and surveys

  • Tanja to circulate document prior to meeting?

7. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

8. Donation practices

  • See last minutes

9. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

10. Strategic planning meeting

  • When? Where?

11. AOB

12. Next SC skype meeting

  • When?

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

  • Management Committee
Changed lines 176-204 from:


3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 190-228 from:

Agenda for 23 September 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome Eda! Welcome all! Brief introductions and time commitments

2. Electing a notetaker for the meeting

3. Update from the ICC - Tanja

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

4. Follow-up from the previous meeting

  • SC's internal workings (facilitation, meetings, communications etc.)
  • Overview on our tasks for 2008-2009; Strategic plan 08-09; AGM development; Project priorities; Annual workplan for the ICC
  • How to work on those?
  • Individual member's tasks (or roles/skills)

5. Approval of provisional member organizations

  • See Justin's email/AGM decision

6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress? - Simon

7. Individual members - Who are they? (Their role in the network & how to engage them) - Tanja

  • Who are the individual members (statutes vs. practice)?
  • What do they want/expect to be?
  • What do we want them to be?
  • Should we treat them like member orgs or as donators?
  • How are we treating the them now?

8. Membership fee proposal - Tanja

  • 4 different categories, 2 alternate dates twice per year
  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter? Requires a change in the statutes..)

9. Communication between SC and AB - Simon.


Agenda for 21 January 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?

Added lines 214-332:

July 31, 2009, at 03:23 PM by SF
Added lines 1-7:

Agenda for 26 August 2009 (Skype conference call at 18:00 CET)


July 26, 2009, at 07:41 PM by SF
Changed lines 10-11 from:

2. TCC IX (2010) update


2. TCC IX (2010) update (Simon)

Changed lines 13-14 from:

  • see doc circulated by Eda

Changed lines 16-17 from:

  • see spreadsheet circulated by Simon

July 26, 2009, at 07:38 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 29 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)


Agenda for 29 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 17:00 CET)

Changed lines 16-18 from:

5. AOB


5. Statutes

6. AOB

Changed lines 21-23 from:

6. Next SC skype meeting


7. Next SC skype meeting

July 24, 2009, at 11:04 AM by SF
Changed lines 14-15 from:

4. Membership issues


4. SC applications

Changed lines 17-18 from:

  • ? membership issues ?

July 24, 2009, at 11:02 AM by SF
Changed lines 1-11 from:

Agenda for 1 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • Membership fees - see item 5
  • TCC 2010 - see item 4
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation - follow up
  • Inactive and potential new steeries - next steps

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)


Agenda for 29 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

1. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Added lines 10-38:

2. TCC IX (2010) update

3. AGM preparations

4. Membership issues

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

Agenda for 1 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • Membership fees - see item 5
  • TCC 2010 - see item 4
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation - follow up
  • Inactive and potential new steeries - next steps

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

Changed lines 49-50 from:

Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

June 29, 2009, at 03:02 PM by SF
Changed lines 9-10 from:
  • Potential new steeries - next steps

  • Inactive and potential new steeries - next steps

June 29, 2009, at 02:58 PM by SF
Changed lines 17-18 from:

  • see hosting agreement sent by Simon on 29/06/09

June 29, 2009, at 02:50 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.


Agenda for 1 July 2009 (Skype conference call at 20:00 CET)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, AOB

Changed lines 6-11 from:
  • ? office move financial data ?
  • South Africa
  • TCC X - see item 5
  • New SC members
  • Carfree blog

  • Membership fees - see item 5
  • TCC 2010 - see item 4
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation - follow up
  • Potential new steeries - next steps

Changed lines 16-21 from:

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

  • face-to-face AGM
  • online participation & facilitation AGM

5. TCC X update


4. TCC IX (2010) update

5. Membership issues

Changed lines 21-22 from:
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation


Changed lines 25-29 from:

Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 29-39 from:

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • Management Committee
  • projects

3. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM (postponed from last meeting)

4. TCC IX - South Africa


2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

  • ? office move financial data ?
  • South Africa
  • TCC X - see item 5
  • New SC members
  • Carfree blog

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • projects

4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

  • face-to-face AGM
  • online participation & facilitation AGM

Changed lines 47-56 from:

6. European meeting and AGM

7. SC composition after next AGM

  • Who wants to stand again?

8. AOB

9. Next SC skype meeting


6. AOB

  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation

7. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 56-57 from:

Agenda for 11 March 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)

Deleted lines 59-81:

2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Agenda for 11 February 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

Changed lines 66-75 from:

3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting


3. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM (postponed from last meeting)

4. TCC IX - South Africa

5. TCC X update

6. European meeting and AGM

7. SC composition after next AGM

  • Who wants to stand again?

8. AOB

9. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 86-87 from:

Agenda for 21 January 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 March 2009 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 90-106 from:

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?


2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 109-110 from:

Agenda for 14 January 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 February 2009 (Skype conference call)

Deleted line 113:
  • projects
Changed lines 116-151 from:

3. TCC IX progress

  • Outcome of meeting with Brussels

4. TCC X proposals update

5. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

6. Membership fees and surveys

  • Tanja to circulate document prior to meeting?

7. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

8. Donation practices

  • See last minutes

9. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

10. Strategic planning meeting

  • When? Where?

11. AOB

12. Next SC skype meeting

  • When?

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

  • Management Committee
Changed lines 118-146 from:


3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 132-170 from:

Agenda for 23 September 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome Eda! Welcome all! Brief introductions and time commitments

2. Electing a notetaker for the meeting

3. Update from the ICC - Tanja

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

4. Follow-up from the previous meeting

  • SC's internal workings (facilitation, meetings, communications etc.)
  • Overview on our tasks for 2008-2009; Strategic plan 08-09; AGM development; Project priorities; Annual workplan for the ICC
  • How to work on those?
  • Individual member's tasks (or roles/skills)

5. Approval of provisional member organizations

  • See Justin's email/AGM decision

6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress? - Simon

7. Individual members - Who are they? (Their role in the network & how to engage them) - Tanja

  • Who are the individual members (statutes vs. practice)?
  • What do they want/expect to be?
  • What do we want them to be?
  • Should we treat them like member orgs or as donators?
  • How are we treating the them now?

8. Membership fee proposal - Tanja

  • 4 different categories, 2 alternate dates twice per year
  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter? Requires a change in the statutes..)

9. Communication between SC and AB - Simon.


Agenda for 21 January 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?

Added lines 156-274:

May 28, 2009, at 05:41 PM by tanja
Changed lines 14-16 from:

  • staff
  • projects

Changed lines 18-20 from:

  • face-to-face AGM
  • online participation & facilitation AGM

May 27, 2009, at 09:29 AM by SF
Changed line 7 from:
  • South Africa - see item 4
  • South Africa
Changed lines 15-16 from:

4. 2009 AGM / South Africa


4. 2009 AGM / capacity building seminar

May 27, 2009, at 09:28 AM by SF
Changed lines 6-11 from:

  • ? office move financial data ?
  • South Africa - see item 4
  • TCC X - see item 5
  • New SC members
  • Carfree blog

Changed lines 21-24 from:
  • ? Membership issues ?
  • ? 2009 workplan ?
  • ? Strategic Planning Meeting ?


May 26, 2009, at 09:06 AM by SF
Changed line 15 from:
  • ? Strategic Planning Meeting ?
  • TCC VIII Portland evaluation
Changed lines 18-19 from:

  • ? Strategic Planning Meeting ?

May 22, 2009, at 09:20 PM by SF
Changed lines 5-7 from:

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)


2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

3. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed lines 10-14 from:

3. 2009 AGM / South Africa

4. TCC X update

5. AOB


4. 2009 AGM / South Africa

5. TCC X update

6. AOB

Changed lines 19-21 from:

6. Next SC skype meeting


7. Next SC skype meeting

May 22, 2009, at 07:51 AM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 20/21 May 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 28 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

May 16, 2009, at 07:55 PM by SF
Changed line 13 from:
  • ? Strategic Planning meeting ?
  • ? Strategic Planning Meeting ?
May 16, 2009, at 07:54 PM by SF
Changed lines 6-7 from:
  • finances

  • finances

Changed lines 13-15 from:
  • ? Strategic Planning meeting ?
  • ? Membership issues?

  • ? Strategic Planning meeting ?
  • ? Membership issues ?
  • ? 2009 workplan ?

May 16, 2009, at 07:53 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-10 from:

Agenda for 11/12 May 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 20/21 May 2009 (Skype conference call)

Added lines 7-27:

3. 2009 AGM / South Africa

4. TCC X update

5. AOB

  • ? Strategic Planning meeting ?
  • ? Membership issues?

6. Next SC skype meeting

Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
May 05, 2009, at 07:13 PM by SF
Added lines 1-8:

Agenda for 11/12 May 2009 (Skype conference call)


April 14, 2009, at 11:39 AM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 11 March 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 15 April 2009 (Skype conference call)

Deleted lines 4-26:

2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Agenda for 11 February 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

Changed lines 11-20 from:

3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting


3. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM (postponed from last meeting)

4. TCC IX - South Africa

5. TCC X update

6. European meeting and AGM

7. SC composition after next AGM

  • Who wants to stand again?

8. AOB

9. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 31-32 from:

Agenda for 21 January 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 March 2009 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 35-51 from:

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?


2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 54-55 from:

Agenda for 14 January 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 February 2009 (Skype conference call)

Deleted line 58:
  • projects
Changed lines 61-96 from:

3. TCC IX progress

  • Outcome of meeting with Brussels

4. TCC X proposals update

5. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

6. Membership fees and surveys

  • Tanja to circulate document prior to meeting?

7. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

8. Donation practices

  • See last minutes

9. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

10. Strategic planning meeting

  • When? Where?

11. AOB

12. Next SC skype meeting

  • When?

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

  • Management Committee
Changed lines 63-91 from:


3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

Changed lines 77-115 from:

Agenda for 23 September 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome Eda! Welcome all! Brief introductions and time commitments

2. Electing a notetaker for the meeting

3. Update from the ICC - Tanja

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

4. Follow-up from the previous meeting

  • SC's internal workings (facilitation, meetings, communications etc.)
  • Overview on our tasks for 2008-2009; Strategic plan 08-09; AGM development; Project priorities; Annual workplan for the ICC
  • How to work on those?
  • Individual member's tasks (or roles/skills)

5. Approval of provisional member organizations

  • See Justin's email/AGM decision

6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress? - Simon

7. Individual members - Who are they? (Their role in the network & how to engage them) - Tanja

  • Who are the individual members (statutes vs. practice)?
  • What do they want/expect to be?
  • What do we want them to be?
  • Should we treat them like member orgs or as donators?
  • How are we treating the them now?

8. Membership fee proposal - Tanja

  • 4 different categories, 2 alternate dates twice per year
  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter? Requires a change in the statutes..)

9. Communication between SC and AB - Simon.


Agenda for 21 January 2009 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?

Added lines 101-219:

March 05, 2009, at 05:36 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 11 February 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 March 2008 (Skype conference call)

Added lines 5-27:

2. Strategic Planning meeting

  • Review and matters arising: SP, AGM

3. WCN Global Statutes review

  • Simon to circulate suggested changes in advance

4. TCC IX - South Africa (Simon)

5. TCC X proposals - selection process (Simon)

6. AOB

  • ? Updates on European meeting and AGM (Tanja) ?

7. Next SC skype meeting

Agenda for 11 February 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

February 09, 2009, at 03:31 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 21 January 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 11 February 2008 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 5-15 from:

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required


2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • finances
  • staff
  • Management Committee
  • projects

3. TCC IX (Simon)

  • Please read e-mails re: South Africa

4. AGM reform progress (Steph)

Changed lines 19-21 from:
  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?


Changed lines 24-25 from:

Agenda for 14 January 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 21 January 2008 (Skype conference call)

Added lines 28-51:

2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?

Agenda for 14 January 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

January 20, 2009, at 09:34 PM by SF
Changed lines 19-21 from:
  • When? ?Wednesday 17 February?

  • When? ?Wednesday 18 February?

January 20, 2009, at 09:33 PM by SF
Changed line 12 from:
  • To be held in Prague on Monday 24 February
  • To be held in Prague on Monday 23 February
January 20, 2009, at 03:33 PM by SF
Changed lines 5-8 from:

2. TCC IX alternatives


2. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please have the 1.5-page doc sent by working group handy before we begin

3. TCC IX alternatives

Deleted lines 10-12:

3. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

January 20, 2009, at 02:11 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda for 14 January 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 21 January 2008 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 5-15 from:

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

  • projects
  • finances
  • staff

3. TCC IX progress

  • Outcome of meeting with Brussels

4. TCC X proposals update

5. AGM reform


2. TCC IX alternatives

  • See recent e-mail correspondence

3. AGM reform

Changed lines 11-29 from:

6. Membership fees and surveys

  • Tanja to circulate document prior to meeting?

7. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

8. Donation practices

  • See last minutes

9. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

10. Strategic planning meeting

  • When? Where?

11. AOB

12. Next SC skype meeting

  • When?


4. Strategic planning meeting

  • To be held in Prague on Monday 24 February
  • Who is coming and for how long?
  • Pre-preparation required

5. AOB

6. Next SC skype meeting

  • When? ?Wednesday 17 February?

Changed lines 25-29 from:

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC


Agenda for 14 January 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

Changed line 31 from:
  • finances (see email from Monday)
  • finances
Added lines 33-71:

3. TCC IX progress

  • Outcome of meeting with Brussels

4. TCC X proposals update

5. AGM reform

  • Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

6. Membership fees and surveys

  • Tanja to circulate document prior to meeting?

7. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

8. Donation practices

  • See last minutes

9. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

10. Strategic planning meeting

  • When? Where?

11. AOB

12. Next SC skype meeting

  • When?

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

  • projects
  • finances (see email from Monday)
  • staff
January 13, 2009, at 10:07 PM by SF
Changed lines 3-4 from:

1. Time limit, chairperson (?), notetaker, etc.


1. Time limit, chairperson, notetaker, etc.

Changed lines 11-13 from:
  • Outcome of meetings with Brussels
  • Program discussion group

  • Outcome of meeting with Brussels

January 10, 2009, at 10:12 PM by SF
Changed lines 14-16 from:

4. AGM reform


4. TCC X proposals update

5. AGM reform

Changed lines 19-21 from:

5. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

6. Donation practices


6. Membership fees and surveys

  • Tanja to circulate document prior to meeting?

7. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

8. Donation practices

Changed lines 27-29 from:

7. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

8. Strategic planning meeting


9. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

10. Strategic planning meeting

Changed lines 32-34 from:

9. Next SC skype meeting


11. AOB

12. Next SC skype meeting

January 10, 2009, at 10:04 PM by SF
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Agenda for 10 December 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson (?), notetaker (Simon), etc.


Agenda for 14 January 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, chairperson (?), notetaker, etc.

Changed lines 10-14 from:

3. AGM process reform


3. TCC IX progress

  • Outcome of meetings with Brussels
  • Program discussion group

4. AGM reform

Changed lines 17-22 from:

4. Update re: outstanding provisional member orgs (Simon)

5. WCN project priorities

  • Steeries: please complete your assessment using Eda's Excel template

6. Strategic planning meeting


5. ?? WCN / ICC workplan 2009 ??

6. Donation practices

  • See last minutes

7. Carfree_network mailing list - what is it for?

8. Strategic planning meeting

Changed lines 26-36 from:
  • Steeries: have you completed the Excel form regarding our skills and availability?

7. TCC IX progress

  • The second half of the meeting should be devoted to this item

8. Any other business

  • Membership proposal
  • TCC X
  • Annual report 2008
  • Donation prctices


December 09, 2008, at 05:39 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 6-7 from:
  • Staff

  • projects
  • finances
  • staff

Changed lines 26-30 from:

  • Membership proposal
  • TCC X
  • Annual report 2008
  • Donation prctices

December 08, 2008, at 04:20 PM by Simon
Changed lines 6-7 from:
  • personnel issues

  • Staff

Changed lines 17-19 from:
  • when? where?
  • have you completed the Excel form regarding our skills and availability?

  • When? Where?
  • Steeries: have you completed the Excel form regarding our skills and availability?

Changed lines 26-28 from:
  • when?

  • When?

December 08, 2008, at 04:19 PM by Simon
Changed lines 6-7 from:

  • personnel issues

December 08, 2008, at 04:17 PM by Simon
Changed lines 3-4 from:

1. Time limit, notetaker (probably Simon), etc.


1. Time limit, chairperson (?), notetaker (Simon), etc.

Changed lines 17-18 from:
  • ''have you completed the Excel form regarding our skills and availability?

  • have you completed the Excel form regarding our skills and availability?

December 08, 2008, at 04:15 PM by Simon
Deleted line 7:

Changed lines 13-14 from:

* Steeries: please complete your assessment using Eda's Excel template

  • Steeries: please complete your assessment using Eda's Excel template

Changed lines 17-18 from:

  • ''have you completed the Excel form regarding our skills and availability?

December 08, 2008, at 04:12 PM by Simon
Changed lines 8-9 from:

* Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group


  • Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

Changed lines 17-18 from:

* when? where?

  • when? where?

Changed lines 20-21 from:

* The second half of the meeting should be devoted to this item

  • The second half of the meeting should be devoted to this item

Changed lines 25-27 from:

* when?

  • when?

December 08, 2008, at 04:10 PM by Simon
Changed lines 19-20 from:

* I suggest the second half of the meeting is devoted to this item


* The second half of the meeting should be devoted to this item

December 08, 2008, at 04:04 PM by Simon
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda items for SC meeting 11th November 2008


Agenda for 10 December 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Time limit, notetaker (probably Simon), etc.

2. Update from ICC (Tanja)

3. AGM process reform * Steeries: please read 1.5-page doc sent by working group

4. Update re: outstanding provisional member orgs (Simon)

5. WCN project priorities * Steeries: please complete your assessment using Eda's Excel template

6. Strategic planning meeting * when? where?

7. TCC IX progress * I suggest the second half of the meeting is devoted to this item

8. Any other business

9. Next SC skype meeting * when?

Agenda for 11 November 2008 (Skype conference call)

Changed lines 68-70 from:

Agenda for Sept. 23 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 23 September 2008 (Skype conference call)

Deleted line 106:

Changed lines 110-112 from:

Agenda for July 31 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for 31 July 2008 (Skype conference call)

November 10, 2008, at 03:17 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 3-5 from:

1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC


1. Introductions, time limit, notetaker etc.

2. Update from ICC

Changed line 7 from:
  • finances
  • finances (see email from Monday)
Changed lines 11-12 from:

3. Ensuring continuity of membership issues


3. Ensuring continuity of membership issues

Changed lines 19-23 from:


Changed lines 29-36 from:

7. Strategic planning meeting - when? where?

8. Next SC skype meeting

- when?


7. Strategic planning meeting

  • when? where?

8. Next SC skype meeting

  • when?

November 10, 2008, at 03:15 PM by Tanja
Added lines 1-40:

September 22, 2008, at 06:40 PM by Simon
Changed lines 5-6 from:

Brief introductions


Brief introductions and time commitments

Changed lines 24-25 from:

6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress?


6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress? - Simon

Changed lines 37-40 from:

9. Communication between SC and AB


9. Communication between SC and AB - Simon.

September 22, 2008, at 02:53 PM by Tanja
Deleted line 26:

We need to (re)define the role of WCN's so called individual members = paying members = active individuals. It appears that we have "active individuals" who are taking part in WCN's activities and decision making, but not necessarily paying for their membership which is according to the statutes obligatory for "individual members". Vice versa we have "paying members" who are according to the statutes "free to initiate or participate fully in any network project or activity" but we have been neglecting them badly by not engaging them nor even communicating with them regularly. In fact we don't even know whether they want to be just supporters money wise or do they want to get involved in our activities. The questions are:

Changed lines 28-29 from:
  • What do they want to be? What do we want them to be?
  • What do they want/expect to be?
  • What do we want them to be?
Changed lines 32-33 from:


Changed lines 35-36 from:
  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter?)

  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter? Requires a change in the statutes..)

September 22, 2008, at 02:50 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 26-31 from:

7. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy - Tanja


7. Individual members - Who are they? (Their role in the network & how to engage them) - Tanja We need to (re)define the role of WCN's so called individual members = paying members = active individuals. It appears that we have "active individuals" who are taking part in WCN's activities and decision making, but not necessarily paying for their membership which is according to the statutes obligatory for "individual members". Vice versa we have "paying members" who are according to the statutes "free to initiate or participate fully in any network project or activity" but we have been neglecting them badly by not engaging them nor even communicating with them regularly. In fact we don't even know whether they want to be just supporters money wise or do they want to get involved in our activities. The questions are:

  • Who are the individual members (statutes vs. practice)?
  • What do they want to be? What do we want them to be?
  • Should we treat them like member orgs or as donators?
  • How are we treating the them now?
Added line 33:

September 22, 2008, at 02:26 PM by Tanja
Changed line 9 from:

3. Update from the ICC


3. Update from the ICC - Tanja

Changed line 26 from:

7. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy


7. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy - Tanja

Changed line 28 from:

8. Membership fee proposal


8. Membership fee proposal - Tanja

September 22, 2008, at 11:58 AM by Simon
Changed lines 24-25 from:

6. "TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress?


6. TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress?

September 22, 2008, at 11:57 AM by Simon
Changed lines 24-26 from:

6. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy


6. "TCC IX, Brussels, April 2009: progress?

7. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy

Changed line 28 from:

5. Membership fee proposal


8. Membership fee proposal

Changed lines 32-35 from:

7. Communication between SC and AB


9. Communication between SC and AB

September 22, 2008, at 11:25 AM by Tanja
Changed lines 26-29 from:


5. Membership fee proposal

  • 4 different categories, 2 alternate dates twice per year
  • Member approval also twice per year (AGM in the summer, SC in the winter?)

September 19, 2008, at 09:57 PM by Simon
Changed line 24 from:

6. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy


6. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy

Changed lines 27-30 from:



7. Communication between SC and AB

September 18, 2008, at 09:44 PM by Tanja
Added lines 25-27:


Changed lines 30-33 from:



September 18, 2008, at 09:43 PM by Tanja
Changed line 24 from:



6. "Active individual/individual member/paying member" -problemacy

September 18, 2008, at 09:34 PM by Tanja
Changed line 4 from:

1. Welcome all! Welcome Eda!


1. Welcome Eda! Welcome all!

Changed line 15 from:

3. Follow-up from the previous meeting


4. Follow-up from the previous meeting

Changed lines 17-28 from:
  • Our tasks for 2008-2009
  • Short term tasks

3. Update from the ICC

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

  • Overview on our tasks for 2008-2009; Strategic plan 08-09; AGM development; Project priorities; Annual workplan for the ICC
  • How to work on those?
  • Individual member's tasks (or roles/skills)

5. Approval of provisional member organizations

  • See Justin's email/AGM decision



September 18, 2008, at 09:21 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Agenda for July 31 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome all!


Agenda for Sept. 23 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome all! Welcome Eda!

Added lines 7-34:

2. Electing a notetaker for the meeting

3. Update from the ICC

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

3. Follow-up from the previous meeting

  • SC's internal workings (facilitation, meetings, communications etc.)
  • Our tasks for 2008-2009
  • Short term tasks

3. Update from the ICC

  • Projects (ongoing and new)
  • Staff situation
  • Financial situation
  • Relations/communications with the SC

Agenda for July 31 2008 (Skype conference call)

1. Welcome all! Brief introductions

July 25, 2008, at 05:46 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 1-3 from:

Agenda for July 2008 (Skype conference call)


Agenda for July 31 2008 (Skype conference call)

Changed line 9 from:

3. SC's role and workings


3. SC's role and workings How do we operate and why?

Changed line 13 from:

4. SC's tasks for 2008


4. SC's tasks for 2008 What do we want to accomplish during our term? What is needed from us?

Changed lines 22-23 from:

6. SC and the ICC

  • Communications between the SC and the ICC

6. SC and the ICC How to (and to what extent) engage SC into ICC's operations?

  • Communications between the SC and the ICC
Changed lines 28-36 from:



7. A spokesperson for the World Carfree Day 2008

  • We need somebody from the Network to assist the ICC with the WCD inquiries (few per week from the medias and municipalities)

July 18, 2008, at 04:06 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 26-27 from:
  • ICC's job descriptions and job performance records

  • ICC's job descriptions and job performance indicators

July 16, 2008, at 07:53 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 4-5 from:

1. Welcome all! Brief introductions


1. Welcome all! Brief introductions

Changed lines 10-11 from:

Clarifying the role of the SC (see the Global Statutes and the AGM minutes); Establishing "a workings plan" for the SC (rights and responsibilities of members, internal and external communications, the decision making process, meeting routines & other necessary procedures)

  • Clarifying the role of the SC (see the Global Statutes and the AGM minutes)
  • Establishing "a workings plan" for the SC (rights and responsibilities of members, internal and external communications, the decision making process, meeting routines & other necessary procedures and practicalities)

Changed lines 14-15 from:

Overview on SC's upcoming tasks (The general tasks according to the statutes, Tasks assigned by the AGM 2008, "Leftovers" from the previous term(?); Drafting a workplan for the rest of the year; Individual members' roles/tasks

  • Overview on SC's upcoming tasks (the general tasks according to the statutes, tasks assigned by the AGM 2008, "leftovers" from the previous term(?)) Strategic plan; Project priorities; AGM afterthoughts - How to develop and improve the AGM
  • Drafting a workplan for the rest of the year
  • Individual members' roles/tasks

Changed lines 19-20 from:

Approval of provisional member organizations (see Justin's email)

  • Approval of provisional member organizations (see Justin's email/AGM decision)
  • Membership fees/yearly renewal

Changed lines 23-24 from:

Communications between the SC and the ICC; SC's level of involvement in ICC's daily life (financials, projects, internal issues); ICC's job descriptions and job performance record

  • Communications between the SC and the ICC
  • SC's level of involvement in ICC's daily life (financials, projects, internal issues)
  • ICC's annual work plan
  • ICC's job descriptions and job performance records

July 16, 2008, at 07:27 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 4-28 from:
  1. Welcome all! Brief introductions

  2. Electing a facilitator and a notetaker for the meeting

  3. SC's role and workings

Clarifying the role of the SC (see the Global Statutes and the AGM minutes); Establishing "a workings plan" for the SC (rights and responsibilities of members, internal and external communications, the decision making process; meeting routines)

  1. SC's tasks for 2008

Drafting a workplan for the rest of the year (The general tasks according to the statutes, Tasks assigned by the AGM 2008, "Leftovers" from the previous term(?), Individual members' roles/tasks


1. Welcome all! Brief introductions

2. Electing a facilitator and a notetaker for the meeting

3. SC's role and workings Clarifying the role of the SC (see the Global Statutes and the AGM minutes); Establishing "a workings plan" for the SC (rights and responsibilities of members, internal and external communications, the decision making process, meeting routines & other necessary procedures)

4. SC's tasks for 2008 Overview on SC's upcoming tasks (The general tasks according to the statutes, Tasks assigned by the AGM 2008, "Leftovers" from the previous term(?); Drafting a workplan for the rest of the year; Individual members' roles/tasks

5. SC and the member groups Approval of provisional member organizations (see Justin's email)

6. SC and the ICC Communications between the SC and the ICC; SC's level of involvement in ICC's daily life (financials, projects, internal issues); ICC's job descriptions and job performance record


July 16, 2008, at 07:10 PM by Tanja
Changed lines 1-21 from:

Agenda for February 2008 (post-Retreat in Berlin)

1. Fundraiser position and duties

2. Plan for recording and distributing SC updates

3. SC roles:

     SC scribe
     Big list facilitator
     Liaison to project coordinators

4. Strengthening network of org. members

5. Strengthening presence in media: Media Strategy

6. SC to develop Annual Plan with ICC (to coincide with Strategic Plan)

7. TCC IX: York v Brussels -> deadline March 31


Agenda for July 2008 (Skype conference call)

  1. Welcome all! Brief introductions

  2. Electing a facilitator and a notetaker for the meeting

  3. SC's role and workings

Clarifying the role of the SC (see the Global Statutes and the AGM minutes); Establishing "a workings plan" for the SC (rights and responsibilities of members, internal and external communications, the decision making process; meeting routines)

  1. SC's tasks for 2008

Drafting a workplan for the rest of the year (The general tasks according to the statutes, Tasks assigned by the AGM 2008, "Leftovers" from the previous term(?), Individual members' roles/tasks

February 10, 2008, at 01:04 AM by steph routh
Deleted line 0:

Added line 4:

Added line 6:

Added line 11:

Added line 13:

Added line 15:

Added line 17:

February 10, 2008, at 01:03 AM by steph routh
Changed lines 2-21 from:

Agenda items January 2008

1. Develop action plan for consistently recording SC decisions

2. SC roles, we still need to find volunteers to do the following tasks:

       a. SC scribe
       b. big list facilitator
       c. liaison to all project coordinators

3. Continue to brainstorm fundraising opportunities

4. Define the role of the SC staff liaison.

5. Towards Carfree Cities IX location decision



Agenda for February 2008 (post-Retreat in Berlin)

1. Fundraiser position and duties 2. Plan for recording and distributing SC updates 3. SC roles:

     SC scribe
     Big list facilitator
     Liaison to project coordinators

4. Strengthening network of org. members 5. Strengthening presence in media: Media Strategy 6. SC to develop Annual Plan with ICC (to coincide with Strategic Plan) 7. TCC IX: York v Brussels -> deadline March 31

January 15, 2008, at 05:40 PM by sara
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Agenda items January 2008


Agenda items January 2008

Changed lines 7-8 from:

2. SC roles, we still need to find volunteers to do the following tasks.


2. SC roles, we still need to find volunteers to do the following tasks:

Changed line 10 from:
       b. Big list facilitator
       b. big list facilitator
Changed lines 17-18 from:

5. Towards Carfree Cities IX decsion


5. Towards Carfree Cities IX location decision

January 15, 2008, at 05:39 PM by sara
Changed lines 1-8 from:

Agenda items October 2007

1. Fundraising

2. SC roles [SC Roles]

3. Portland/SLP conferences [TCFC08]


Agenda items January 2008

1. Develop action plan for consistently recording SC decisions

2. SC roles, we still need to find volunteers to do the following tasks.

       a. SC scribe
       b. Big list facilitator
       c. liaison to all project coordinators

3. Continue to brainstorm fundraising opportunities

4. Define the role of the SC staff liaison.

5. Towards Carfree Cities IX decsion

Changed lines 19-20 from:

October 01, 2007, at 03:52 PM by sara stout
Changed lines 1-25 from:

Agenda items May - June 2007

1. quarterly report [QR-07-1](done)

2. Possibility of signing letters in name of WCN [Letter Signing](until May 7)

3. Process proposals [Communication Process] (until May 11)

a. Clear Language [Clear Language]

b. Subject Line Codes [Subject Line]

c. SC New Agenda items [New Agenda]

4. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 10)

5. Velocity Munich [Velo Munich]

6. Istanbul conference [TCFC07]

7. Portland/SLP conferences [TCFC08]

8. SC roles [SC Roles]


Agenda items October 2007

1. Fundraising

2. SC roles [SC Roles]

3. Portland/SLP conferences [TCFC08]

Changed lines 11-12 from:
May 16, 2007, at 11:46 AM by justin
Changed lines 16-17 from:

4. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 7)


4. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 10)

May 16, 2007, at 11:45 AM by justin
Changed lines 16-17 from:

4. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 7)


4. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 7)

May 07, 2007, at 11:09 AM by justin
Changed lines 7-8 from:

3. Process proposals [Communication Process] (until May 9)


3. Process proposals [Communication Process] (until May 11)

Changed lines 16-25 from:

3. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 7)

4. Velocity Munich [Velo Munich]

5. Istanbul conference [TCFC07]

6. Portland/SLP conferences [TCFC08]

7. SC roles [SC Roles]


4. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 7)

5. Velocity Munich [Velo Munich]

6. Istanbul conference [TCFC07]

7. Portland/SLP conferences [TCFC08]

8. SC roles [SC Roles]

May 06, 2007, at 12:41 AM by justin
Changed lines 16-17 from:

3. ICC-SC-AB meeting [StratMeet] (May 7 - June 7)


3. ICC-SC-AB meeting [Strategy Meeting] (May 7 - June 7)

May 06, 2007, at 12:02 AM by justin
Changed lines 7-8 from:

3. Process proposals [Communication Process] (until May 7)


3. Process proposals [Communication Process] (until May 9)

May 06, 2007, at 12:01 AM by justin
Changed lines 5-15 from:

2. Possibility of signing letters in name of WCN [LettSign](until May 7)

3. Process proposals [CommProc] (until May 7)

a. Clear Language [ClearLang]

b. Subject Line Codes [SubjectLine]

c. SC New Agenda items [NewAgenda]


2. Possibility of signing letters in name of WCN [Letter Signing](until May 7)

3. Process proposals [Communication Process] (until May 7)

a. Clear Language [Clear Language]

b. Subject Line Codes [Subject Line]

c. SC New Agenda items [New Agenda]

Changed lines 18-19 from:

4. Velocity Munich [VeloMunich]


4. Velocity Munich [Velo Munich]

Changed lines 24-25 from:

7. SC roles [SCRoles]


7. SC roles [SC Roles]

May 03, 2007, at 07:04 PM by justin
Changed lines 5-6 from:

2. possibility of signing letters in name of WCN [LettSign](until May 7)


2. Possibility of signing letters in name of WCN [LettSign](until May 7)

May 03, 2007, at 06:58 PM by justin
Changed lines 7-8 from:

3. Process proposals [CommProc] (until May 7)


3. Process proposals [CommProc] (until May 7)

a. Clear Language [ClearLang]

b. Subject Line Codes [SubjectLine]

c. SC New Agenda items [NewAgenda]

May 03, 2007, at 06:51 PM by justin
Changed lines 7-8 from:

3. Process proposals [CommProc] (until May 7)


3. Process proposals [CommProc] (until May 7)

May 03, 2007, at 04:48 PM by justin
Changed lines 17-21 from:

7. SC roles SCRoles

defining the role of existing and possible future roles to divide up responsibility among SC members, by creating any new roles and writing a short guide for how to do each (1. carfree_network list facilitator, 2. back-up SC list facilitator, 3. advisory board liaison, 4. ICC liaison, 5. liaison to all project coordinators, 6. media spokesperson, 7. campaigns liaison, 8. decision 'scribe' / quarterly report writer / Wiki manager.
7. other


7. SC roles [SCRoles]

Changed lines 21-76 from:

Justin's proposed agenda and explanation:

Dear all,

i have updated the SC wiki page. It seems that there were a bunch of communication suggestions made at some point, i don't know if those were ever discussed. and i put the list that sara compiled into the suggested items section, i guess once we have a consensus on that, we can move the items we want to work on over to the current agenda items.

thus here is my proposal. but first of all, since i didn't hear a resounding yes on the skype meet, i guess nothing is happening, for the time being, right?

so, i put the different agenda items into categories:

1. would be good to talk about them soon

-producing quarterly report
- Starting Carfree Indy media
-Having special SC, ICC, AB meetings once or twice a year
2. all time issues

-SC member involvement with Network Projects
-WCN Fundraising
-Development of WCN Skill-Sharing on the internet (a, b,c)
-Strategic Plan
-Carbusters Magazine
-communication related suggestions (which was previously there)

3. needs a one time working through, perhaps less urgent

-SC member involvement with Network Projects
-Defining the role of the SC staff liaison

okay, you might have noticed that what i put into the category of more urgent two my own suggestions. now i don't mean to hog the agenda, but let me explain my thinking: 1) the carfree indymedia subject has had some problems getting started, and perhaps a little bit of discussion can get that going. it would then be nice if that could get started, and be developing further in the background. 2) strategical meeting with AB SC ICC, more important than the previous item, i would say, and urgent, because if we could get that to happen around the time of TCFC in istanbul, we should get organized with that now. 3) producing quarterly report probably won't require too much time spent)

some of the "all time issues" would be most effectively discussed in a situation like strat. meeting (as i envision it), but we could also choose to discuss one or several of those as a current sc item, based on what people feel is urgent.

but if someone wants to suggest a different organization of the categories, or would like to bump something up to more urgent, that is also fine. also, since susanna indicated that she is not really able to the facilitating right now very well, i could offer to facilitate for the moment, at least until we have a clear agenda, and now what we are doing, and can figure out who will do faciliating in the foreseeable future. but of course all this is open for discussion and agreement, so feel free to send in other ideas or disagree.

May 03, 2007, at 04:43 PM by justin
Changed lines 17-18 from:

7. SC roles [ScRoles]


7. SC roles SCRoles

May 03, 2007, at 04:40 PM by justin
Changed lines 1-6 from:

1. Quarterly Report state of the art
2. possibility of signing letters in name of WCN
3. state of the art Istanbul
4. are we active in Velocity Munich?
5. state of the art Portland (are there combination activities with SLP?)
6. defining the role of existing and possible future roles to divide up responsibility among SC members, by creating any new roles and writing a short guide for how to do each (1. carfree_network list facilitator, 2. back-up SC list facilitator, 3. advisory board liaison, 4. ICC liaison, 5. liaison to all project coordinators, 6. media spokesperson, 7. campaigns liaison, 8. decision 'scribe' / quarterly report writer / Wiki manager.\\


Agenda items May - June 2007

1. quarterly report [QR-07-1](done)

2. possibility of signing letters in name of WCN [LettSign](until May 7)

3. Process proposals [CommProc] (until May 7)

3. ICC-SC-AB meeting [StratMeet] (May 7 - June 7)

4. Velocity Munich [VeloMunich]

5. Istanbul conference [TCFC07]

6. Portland/SLP conferences [TCFC08]

7. SC roles [ScRoles]

defining the role of existing and possible future roles to divide up responsibility among SC members, by creating any new roles and writing a short guide for how to do each (1. carfree_network list facilitator, 2. back-up SC list facilitator, 3. advisory board liaison, 4. ICC liaison, 5. liaison to all project coordinators, 6. media spokesperson, 7. campaigns liaison, 8. decision 'scribe' / quarterly report writer / Wiki manager.\\

April 16, 2007, at 03:12 PM by RG
Changed lines 7-66 from:

7. other\\


7. other

Justin's proposed agenda and explanation:

Dear all,

i have updated the SC wiki page. It seems that there were a bunch of communication suggestions made at some point, i don't know if those were ever discussed. and i put the list that sara compiled into the suggested items section, i guess once we have a consensus on that, we can move the items we want to work on over to the current agenda items.

thus here is my proposal. but first of all, since i didn't hear a resounding yes on the skype meet, i guess nothing is happening, for the time being, right?

so, i put the different agenda items into categories:

1. would be good to talk about them soon

-producing quarterly report
- Starting Carfree Indy media
-Having special SC, ICC, AB meetings once or twice a year
2. all time issues

-SC member involvement with Network Projects
-WCN Fundraising
-Development of WCN Skill-Sharing on the internet (a, b,c)
-Strategic Plan
-Carbusters Magazine
-communication related suggestions (which was previously there)

3. needs a one time working through, perhaps less urgent

-SC member involvement with Network Projects
-Defining the role of the SC staff liaison

okay, you might have noticed that what i put into the category of more urgent two my own suggestions. now i don't mean to hog the agenda, but let me explain my thinking: 1) the carfree indymedia subject has had some problems getting started, and perhaps a little bit of discussion can get that going. it would then be nice if that could get started, and be developing further in the background. 2) strategical meeting with AB SC ICC, more important than the previous item, i would say, and urgent, because if we could get that to happen around the time of TCFC in istanbul, we should get organized with that now. 3) producing quarterly report probably won't require too much time spent)

some of the "all time issues" would be most effectively discussed in a situation like strat. meeting (as i envision it), but we could also choose to discuss one or several of those as a current sc item, based on what people feel is urgent.

but if someone wants to suggest a different organization of the categories, or would like to bump something up to more urgent, that is also fine. also, since susanna indicated that she is not really able to the facilitating right now very well, i could offer to facilitate for the moment, at least until we have a clear agenda, and now what we are doing, and can figure out who will do faciliating in the foreseeable future. but of course all this is open for discussion and agreement, so feel free to send in other ideas or disagree.

April 16, 2007, at 03:07 PM by RG
Changed line 6 from:

6. defining the role of the staff liaison\\


6. defining the role of existing and possible future roles to divide up responsibility among SC members, by creating any new roles and writing a short guide for how to do each (1. carfree_network list facilitator, 2. back-up SC list facilitator, 3. advisory board liaison, 4. ICC liaison, 5. liaison to all project coordinators, 6. media spokesperson, 7. campaigns liaison, 8. decision 'scribe' / quarterly report writer / Wiki manager.\\

April 09, 2007, at 03:29 PM by sara
Changed lines 6-7 from:

6. other?\\


6. defining the role of the staff liaison
7. other\\

April 02, 2007, at 05:00 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-6 from:

1. Quarterly Report state of the art 2. possibility of signing letters in name of WCN 3. state of the art Istanbul 4. are we active in Velocity Munich? 5. state of the art Portland (are there combination activities with SLP?) 6. other?


1. Quarterly Report state of the art
2. possibility of signing letters in name of WCN
3. state of the art Istanbul
4. are we active in Velocity Munich?
5. state of the art Portland (are there combination activities with SLP?)
6. other?\\

March 28, 2007, at 12:01 PM by ton
Changed lines 1-5 from:

1. Steering Committee Re-activation

2. Choose location of Towards Carfree Cities VIII

3. Quarterly Report - End of February?


1. Quarterly Report state of the art 2. possibility of signing letters in name of WCN 3. state of the art Istanbul 4. are we active in Velocity Munich? 5. state of the art Portland (are there combination activities with SLP?) 6. other?

February 13, 2007, at 08:59 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-5 from:

1. Choose location of Towards Carfree Cities VIII


1. Steering Committee Re-activation

2. Choose location of Towards Carfree Cities VIII

3. Quarterly Report - End of February?

February 13, 2007, at 07:28 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-44 from:


1. Strategic Plan
2. Wording for Footnote to Charter
3.Statute issue - article 7c:+]

1. Strategic Plan:
The Strategic Plan is the next agenda item for the Steering Committee. Since many of our agenda items so far have been of a formal and technical nature, we decided to begin this topic with a broad, open brainstorm of what we would like the network to work on and accomplish. The format of our February 28 Skype meeting did not allow us to do this. However, we decided to start by having each of us write a one-paragraph 'personal brainstorm' on this topic (what we think the network should be doing and how we'd like to participate), to be sent to the Steering Committee discussion list within the month of March. The discussion can begin at any time from March 1 on. Steering Committee members should also review the existing draft Strategic Plan that is available in the Members section of Worldcarfree.net, on a Wiki page under Steering Committee. The document, after modifications, could be adopted in May at the 2006 AGM. Many funders ask for or require strategic plans, but such documents also really help keep organisations/networks focused, effective and efficient in working toward their goals.

  • AGM 2006 Tabor ("Goals and strategies for next 3-4 years: Nothing to reach consensus here, just to pass recommendations on to the steering committee, as follows: ...")
  • AGM 2005 Budapest
  • AGM 2004 Berlin

2. Wording for Footnote to Charter:
"While the explicit intention of the World Carfree Network is to discourage use of cars, it also implies discouraging the use of unsustainable private motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, Segways (in cases where they must share limited infrastructure with pedestrians, such as on sidewalks), tuk-tuks or motorized three-wheelers, while promoting public and preferably non-motorised forms of transport. In order to generalise this statement, please take this clarification into account when reading "car" or "automobile." For example, motorcycles are not mentioned in this Charter, however they are private motorised vehicles that the World Carfree Network does not intend to encourage at all."

AGM 2006 Tabor:

  • why don't we include trucks?
  • the item is to clearly define what we mean by car or automobile
  • Todd expressed disagreement that in certain cases trucks are the best way of transport
  • Markus suggests that we wait until the next AGM to deal with the truck issue
  • this is not about our mission or aims of the network, we should stick to the definition
  • can car be translated as any unsustainable transport mode?
  • the intention of WCN is to discourage the use of automobiles, but the definition also includes the unsustainable use of "individual" motor vehicles, including motorcycles and trucks
  • the SC will tinker with the wording - APPROVED

3. Statute issue - article 7c:

AGM 2006 Tabor:

  • This statute states that SC shall oversee financial activity
  • Our view: SC is not a financial oversight body, but can be asked to review financial
  • a related issue of WCN board and legal responsibility was raised
  • Recommendation: SC shall alter 7c to reflect its proper role, and will disucss the second issue with ICC


1. Choose location of Towards Carfree Cities VIII

November 20, 2006, at 05:45 PM by sara stout
Changed lines 3-40 from:

Changed lines 21-22 from:

4. Wording for Footnote to Charter:


2. Wording for Footnote to Charter:

Changed lines 36-37 from:

5. Statute issue - article 7c:


3. Statute issue - article 7c:

Deleted lines 44-52:

August 08, 2006, at 02:29 PM by Markus
Changed lines 1-3 from:

1. Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.

Changed line 37 from:

2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.\\


2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.\\

Changed line 40 from:
Changed lines 47-48 from:

4. Wording for Footnote to Charter:


4. Wording for Footnote to Charter:

Changed lines 62-63 from:

5. Statute issue - article 7c:


5. Statute issue - article 7c:

Changed line 71 from:

6. How to deal with member orgs who are supported or get grants by the automotive industry - ? (general membership criterias):\\


6. How to deal with member orgs who are supported or get grants by the automotive industry - ? (general membership criterias):\\

July 15, 2006, at 12:55 PM by Markus
Changed lines 1-13 from:


Changed line 18 from:

a) Responding with comments on agenda items within the time period specified by the facilitator. (Abstention with notification is acceptable.)


a) Responding with comments on agenda items within the time period specified by the facilitator. (Abstention with notification is acceptable.)\\

Changed lines 21-25 from:

Removal of an SC member
A Steering Committee member may be removed according to the following process: a) If after two months of not meeting the minimum requirements, a Steering Committee member will be asked to voluntarily resign by the other Steering Committee members. b) If after three months of not meeting the minimum requirements, a Steering Committee member will be removed from the Steering Committee, and the Advisory Board will be asked to select a replacement.


Removal of an SC member:
A Steering Committee member may be removed according to the following process:
a) If after two months of not meeting the minimum requirements, a Steering Committee member will be asked to voluntarily resign by the other Steering Committee members.
b) If after three months of not meeting the minimum requirements, a Steering Committee member will be removed from the Steering Committee, and the Advisory Board will be asked to select a replacement.\\

Changed lines 28-29 from:

2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.


2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.\\

Changed lines 31-36 from:

3. Strategic Plan:
The Strategic Plan is the next agenda item for the Steering Committee. Since many of our agenda items so far have been of a formal and technical nature, we decided to begin this topic with a broad, open brainstorm of what we would like the network to work on and accomplish. The format of our February 28 Skype meeting did not allow us to do this. However, we decided to start by having each of us write a one-paragraph 'personal brainstorm' on this topic (what we think the network should be doing and how we'd like to participate), to be sent to the Steering Committee discussion list within the month of March. The discussion can begin at any time from March 1 on. Steering Committee members should also review the existing draft Strategic Plan that is available in the Members section of Worldcarfree.net, on a Wiki page under 'Steering Committee'. The document, after modifications, could be adopted in May at the 2006 AGM. Many funders ask for or require strategic plans, but such documents also really help keep organisations/networks focused, effective and efficient in working toward their goals.
- AGM 2005 - AGM 2004

4. Wording for Footnote to Charter


3. Strategic Plan:
The Strategic Plan is the next agenda item for the Steering Committee. Since many of our agenda items so far have been of a formal and technical nature, we decided to begin this topic with a broad, open brainstorm of what we would like the network to work on and accomplish. The format of our February 28 Skype meeting did not allow us to do this. However, we decided to start by having each of us write a one-paragraph 'personal brainstorm' on this topic (what we think the network should be doing and how we'd like to participate), to be sent to the Steering Committee discussion list within the month of March. The discussion can begin at any time from March 1 on. Steering Committee members should also review the existing draft Strategic Plan that is available in the Members section of Worldcarfree.net, on a Wiki page under Steering Committee. The document, after modifications, could be adopted in May at the 2006 AGM. Many funders ask for or require strategic plans, but such documents also really help keep organisations/networks focused, effective and efficient in working toward their goals.

  • AGM 2006 Tabor ("Goals and strategies for next 3-4 years: Nothing to reach consensus here, just to pass recommendations on to the steering committee, as follows: ...")
  • AGM 2005 Budapest
  • AGM 2004 Berlin

4. Wording for Footnote to Charter:

Added lines 42-43:
Changed lines 53-56 from:

5.Statute issue - article 7c
Question from AGM:


5. Statute issue - article 7c:

AGM 2006 Tabor:

Changed lines 60-70 from:
  • Recommendation: SC shall alter 7c to reflect its proper role, and will disucss the second issue with ICC

July 04, 2006, at 01:50 PM by SvP
Changed lines 40-48 from:
    * why don't we include trucks?
    * the item is to clearly define what we mean by car or automobile
    * Todd expressed disagreement that in certain cases trucks are the best way of transport
    * Markus suggests that we wait until the next AGM to deal with the truck issue
    * this is not about our mission or aims of the network, we should stick to the definition
    * can car be translated as any unsustainable transport mode?
    * the intention of WCN is to discourage the use of automobiles, but the definition also includes the unsustainable use of "individual" motor vehicles, including motorcycles and trucks
    * the SC will tinker with the wording - APPROVED

  • why don't we include trucks?
  • the item is to clearly define what we mean by car or automobile
  • Todd expressed disagreement that in certain cases trucks are the best way of transport
  • Markus suggests that we wait until the next AGM to deal with the truck issue
  • this is not about our mission or aims of the network, we should stick to the definition
  • can car be translated as any unsustainable transport mode?
  • the intention of WCN is to discourage the use of automobiles, but the definition also includes the unsustainable use of "individual" motor vehicles, including motorcycles and trucks
  • the SC will tinker with the wording - APPROVED

Changed lines 53-61 from:
    * This statute states that SC shall oversee financial activity
    * Our view: SC is not a financial oversight body, but can be asked to review financial matters
    * a related issue of WCN board and legal responsibility was raised
    * Recommendation: SC shall alter 7c to reflect its proper role, and will disucss the second issue with ICC

  • This statute states that SC shall oversee financial activity
  • Our view: SC is not a financial oversight body, but can be asked to review financial
  • a related issue of WCN board and legal responsibility was raised
  • Recommendation: SC shall alter 7c to reflect its proper role, and will disucss the second issue with ICC
July 03, 2006, at 12:58 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 30-31 from:

He has been inactive for over three months.


He has been inactive for over three months. According to SC protocol, he should be removed from the SC.

July 03, 2006, at 12:57 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 28-29 from:

2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.\\


2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.

Changed lines 51-52 from:

'''Question from AGM:


Question from AGM:

July 03, 2006, at 12:56 AM by sara stout
Changed line 4 from:

''' How to make decisions on the Steering Committee?:\\


How to make decisions on the Steering Committee?:\\

Changed lines 16-17 from:

''' Minimum requirements for Steering Committee members:


Minimum requirements for Steering Committee members:

Changed lines 21-22 from:

''' Removal of an SC member


Removal of an SC member

Changed lines 28-30 from:

2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.
3. Strategic Plan:\\


2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation.\\ He has been inactive for over three months.

3. Strategic Plan:\\

Changed lines 35-37 from:

''' 4. Wording for Footnote to Charter


4. Wording for Footnote to Charter

Changed lines 48-49 from:

''' 5.Statute issue - article 7c


5.Statute issue - article 7c

July 03, 2006, at 12:54 AM by sara stout
Changed line 4 from:

'''How to make decisions on the Steering Committee?:


''' How to make decisions on the Steering Committee?:\\

Changed lines 16-17 from:

'''Minimum requirements for Steering Committee members:


''' Minimum requirements for Steering Committee members:

Changed lines 21-22 from:

'''Removal of an SC member


''' Removal of an SC member

Changed lines 28-30 from:

2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.
3.!! Strategic Plan:\\


2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.
3. Strategic Plan:\\

Changed lines 34-36 from:

4. Wording for Footnote to Charter


''' 4. Wording for Footnote to Charter

Changed lines 48-49 from:

5.Statute issue - article 7c


''' 5.Statute issue - article 7c

July 03, 2006, at 12:51 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 1-4 from:

!! 1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.

How to make decisions on the Steering Committee?:


1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.

'''How to make decisions on the Steering Committee?:

Changed lines 16-17 from:

Minimum requirements for Steering Committee members:


'''Minimum requirements for Steering Committee members:

Changed lines 21-22 from:

Removal of an SC member


'''Removal of an SC member

Changed lines 28-29 from:

!!2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.


2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.

Changed lines 34-36 from:

!! 4. Wording for Footnote to Charter


4. Wording for Footnote to Charter

Changed lines 48-51 from:

5.!! Statute issue - article 7c

Question from AGM:


5.Statute issue - article 7c
'''Question from AGM:

July 03, 2006, at 12:48 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 1-5 from:


1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.



!! 1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.

Changed lines 28-34 from:


Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.


Strategic Plan:



!!2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.
3.!! Strategic Plan:\\

Changed lines 34-38 from:


4. Wording for Footnote to Charter



!! 4. Wording for Footnote to Charter

Changed lines 48-51 from:


Statute issue - article 7c



5.!! Statute issue - article 7c

July 03, 2006, at 12:46 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 1-3 from:

+1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.\\+



1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.


Changed lines 30-32 from:

2. Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.
3. Strategic Plan:\\



Adress issue of Rajendra's non-participation. He has been inactive for over three months.


Strategic Plan:


Changed lines 40-42 from:

4. Wording for Footnote to Charter



4. Wording for Footnote to Charter


Changed lines 56-57 from:

5. Statute issue - article 7c



Statute issue - article 7c


July 03, 2006, at 12:44 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 1-3 from:

1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.


+1.Agree on SC decision-making process and minimum requirements for SC members.\\+

July 03, 2006, at 12:43 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 1-30 from:

1. Strategic Plan:\\


Changed lines 34-36 from:

2. Guidelines for Carfree Network List
Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines? Responsibilities of the moderator.


4. Wording for Footnote to Charter

"While the explicit intention of the World Carfree Network is to discourage use of cars, it also implies discouraging the use of unsustainable private motor vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, Segways (in cases where they must share limited infrastructure with pedestrians, such as on sidewalks), tuk-tuks or motorized three-wheelers, while promoting public and preferably non-motorised forms of transport. In order to generalise this statement, please take this clarification into account when reading "car" or "automobile." For example, motorcycles are not mentioned in this Charter, however they are private motorised vehicles that the World Carfree Network does not intend to encourage at all."

    * why don't we include trucks?
    * the item is to clearly define what we mean by car or automobile
    * Todd expressed disagreement that in certain cases trucks are the best way of transport
    * Markus suggests that we wait until the next AGM to deal with the truck issue
    * this is not about our mission or aims of the network, we should stick to the definition
    * can car be translated as any unsustainable transport mode?
    * the intention of WCN is to discourage the use of automobiles, but the definition also includes the unsustainable use of "individual" motor vehicles, including motorcycles and trucks
    * the SC will tinker with the wording - APPROVED

5. Statute issue - article 7c

Question from AGM:

    * This statute states that SC shall oversee financial activity
    * Our view: SC is not a financial oversight body, but can be asked to review financial matters
    * a related issue of WCN board and legal responsibility was raised
    * Recommendation: SC shall alter 7c to reflect its proper role, and will disucss the second issue with ICC

June 08, 2006, at 11:21 PM by Sara Stout
Changed lines 5-8 from:

2. Network Communications
a. Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines? Responsibilities of the moderator.
b. Purpose of the members only forum + how to get that started.
c. Other communications: Steering committee e-mail list + skype, new e-mail lists for project development etc.


2. Guidelines for Carfree Network List
Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines? Responsibilities of the moderator.

March 13, 2006, at 04:14 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 5-7 from:

2.Network Communications
a. Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines? Responsibilities of the moderator. b. Purpose of the members only forum + how to get that started.


2. Network Communications
a. Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines? Responsibilities of the moderator.
b. Purpose of the members only forum + how to get that started.\\

March 13, 2006, at 04:13 AM by sara stout
Changed lines 5-8 from:

""Network Communications"" 1. Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines. Responsibilities of the moderator. 2. Purpose of the members only forum + how to get that started. 3. Other communications: Steering committee e-mail list + skype, new e-mail lists for project development etc.


2.Network Communications
a. Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines? Responsibilities of the moderator. b. Purpose of the members only forum + how to get that started. c. Other communications: Steering committee e-mail list + skype, new e-mail lists for project development etc.

March 13, 2006, at 04:10 AM by sara stout
Added lines 5-11:

""Network Communications"" 1. Revisit guidelines for the carfree network list. Add guideline against personal attacks. What to do when people can't follow guidelines. Responsibilities of the moderator. 2. Purpose of the members only forum + how to get that started. 3. Other communications: Steering committee e-mail list + skype, new e-mail lists for project development etc.

March 01, 2006, at 06:21 PM by RG
Added line 2:

The Strategic Plan is the next agenda item for the Steering Committee. Since many of our agenda items so far have been of a formal and technical nature, we decided to begin this topic with a broad, open brainstorm of what we would like the network to work on and accomplish. The format of our February 28 Skype meeting did not allow us to do this. However, we decided to start by having each of us write a one-paragraph 'personal brainstorm' on this topic (what we think the network should be doing and how we'd like to participate), to be sent to the Steering Committee discussion list within the month of March. The discussion can begin at any time from March 1 on. Steering Committee members should also review the existing draft Strategic Plan that is available in the Members section of Worldcarfree.net, on a Wiki page under 'Steering Committee'. The document, after modifications, could be adopted in May at the 2006 AGM. Many funders ask for or require strategic plans, but such documents also really help keep organisations/networks focused, effective and efficient in working toward their goals.\\

March 01, 2006, at 04:57 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-4 from:

1. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:

2. Strategic Plan:\\


1. Strategic Plan:\\

February 16, 2006, at 04:01 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-3 from:

1. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:
2. Strategic plan:\\


1. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:

2. Strategic Plan:\\

February 16, 2006, at 04:00 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-16 from:


1. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:
2. Strategic plan:\\

Deleted lines 5-37:

January 19, 2006, at 08:55 PM by RG
Changed lines 35-36 from:

'''8. Creating a process/mechanism for WCN or WCN SC to endorse campaigns, organizations or actions.


8. Creating a process/mechanism for WCN or WCN SC to endorse campaigns, organizations or actions.

Changed lines 41-43 from:

1 - SC create a mechanism to evaluate possible statements of support - nothing involving a financial contribution - of other groups and initiatives. This would have two parts:


1 - SC create a mechanism to evaluate possible statements of support - nothing involving a financial contribution - of other groups and initiatives. This would have two parts:

Changed lines 47-53 from:

1a - An annoucement of the evaluation period for normal mechanism would either be made in the regular email to members, or in special email. Details would be posted on WCN members-only Wiki pages

1b - Any discussion would be in WCN members-only Wiki pages. Probably in the proposed WCN member forum.


1a - An announcement of the evaluation period for normal mechanism would either be made in the regular email to members, or in special email. Details would be posted on WCN members-only Wiki pages

1b - Any discussion would be in WCN members-only Wiki pages. Probably in the proposed WCN member forum.

January 11, 2006, at 05:40 PM by saratodd edelman
Changed lines 35-54 from:

8. Next item here:\\


'''8. Creating a process/mechanism for WCN or WCN SC to endorse campaigns, organizations or actions.

Proposal submitted by Todd Edelman, Green Idea Factory, a WCN member:

1 - SC create a mechanism to evaluate possible statements of support - nothing involving a financial contribution - of other groups and initiatives. This would have two parts:

- A normal one requiring 30 days review period by WCN member groups, but I dont know if you want it decided by consensus, etc (It should follow whatever majority vote mechanism you currently use)

- A fast-track one where the 30-day delay would make support irrelevant,etc. For local actions (in the Czech Republic, where WCN CZ is registered), this could be decided by ICC staff with stated supporter/endorser being either "WCN" or "WCN CZ".

1a - An annoucement of the evaluation period for normal mechanism would either be made in the regular email to members, or in special email. Details would be posted on WCN members-only Wiki pages

1b - Any discussion would be in WCN members-only Wiki pages. Probably in the proposed WCN member forum.

December 18, 2005, at 04:40 PM by RG
Deleted line 6:

[Sara 14-Nov-2005]:\\

Deleted lines 26-27:


December 18, 2005, at 04:38 PM by RG
Changed lines 10-11 from:

c. If not - to whom do they need to provide contact info?


c. If not - to whom do they need to provide contact info?
d. What will be in the letter we send to the AB?

Changed lines 15-16 from:



...and decision on where the 2006 AGM will be.

Deleted lines 38-39:


December 18, 2005, at 03:47 AM by giselle
Added line 39:


December 15, 2005, at 05:45 PM by RG
Changed lines 12-16 from:

2. Strategic plan:\\


2. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:

3. Strategic plan:\\

Changed line 19 from:


Changed line 24 from:

4. Creating a process for network members to propose agenda items for the steering committee:\\


5. Creating a process for network members to propose agenda items for the steering committee:\\

Deleted lines 28-31:

5. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:

December 09, 2005, at 04:43 PM by RG
Changed lines 35-38 from:

[Randy 9-Dec-2005]: It is necessary to make WCN a legal entity as an international organisation. So far only WCN Czech Republic is official. We need to become official at the European level and also at the global level. The reason for WCN Europe is primarily in order to access European funding. There are various ways this could occur. The most practical way is to officially start a new network called World Carfree Network Europe. As for the global level, we could check with the United Nations on how to become accredited (recognised) as an international organisation. Discussion needed.
8. Next item here:


[Randy 9-Dec-2005]: It is necessary to make WCN a legal entity as an international organisation. So far only WCN Czech Republic is official. We need to become official at the European level and also at the global level. The reason for WCN Europe is primarily in order to access European funding. There are various ways this could occur. The most practical way is to officially start a new network called World Carfree Network Europe. As for the global level, we could check with the United Nations on how to become accredited (recognised) as an international organisation. Discussion needed.

8. Next item here:

December 09, 2005, at 04:41 PM by steve
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Some suggestions from Sara [mail 14-Nov-2005] for discussion:


Some suggestions from Sara [mail 14-Nov-2005] for discussion:

Changed lines 5-6 from:


Changed lines 10-11 from:

c. If not - to whom do they need to provide contact info?


c. If not - to whom do they need to provide contact info?

Changed lines 13-16 from:

- AGM 2005 - AGM 2004



- AGM 2005 - AGM 2004

Changed lines 16-19 from:


Changed lines 21-26 from:

- SC members, provides contact info

5. Next item here:



- SC members, provides contact info


5. Evaluation of Towards Carfree Cities VII Hosting Proposals:

6. Communication among member organisations:
[Randy 9-Dec-2005]: Do we want any changes as to how we operate the carfree_network discussion list? Currently there is no way for member orgs to communicate with other member orgs and no one else. Do we want an on-line forum in the members-only section of Worldcarfree.net?

7. World Carfree Network legal status:
[Randy 9-Dec-2005]: It is necessary to make WCN a legal entity as an international organisation. So far only WCN Czech Republic is official. We need to become official at the European level and also at the global level. The reason for WCN Europe is primarily in order to access European funding. There are various ways this could occur. The most practical way is to officially start a new network called World Carfree Network Europe. As for the global level, we could check with the United Nations on how to become accredited (recognised) as an international organisation. Discussion needed.
8. Next item here:

December 02, 2005, at 10:52 AM by markus
Deleted lines 10-11:

[Markus 15-Nov-2005]:
I`d say, AB is needed for important questions of the network, but not for its daily work. I`d say, every member group can contact them, but I`d prefer the contact via ICC or SC. I don`t think, that they are happy if their contact info was spreaded widely (data security), so I`d propose to keep their contacts (only) at ICC and/or SC.\\

November 15, 2005, at 12:59 PM by markus
Changed lines 6-7 from:

[Sara 14-Nov-2005]:\\

[Sara 14-Nov-2005]:\\
Changed lines 11-12 from:

[Markus 15-Nov-2005]:
a. I`d say, AB is needed for important questions of the network, but not for its daily work. I`d say, every member group can contact them, but I`d prefer the contact via ICC or SC. I don`t think, that they are happy if their contact info was spreaded widely (data security), so I`d propose to keep their contacts (only) at ICC and/or SC.\\


[Markus 15-Nov-2005]:
I`d say, AB is needed for important questions of the network, but not for its daily work. I`d say, every member group can contact them, but I`d prefer the contact via ICC or SC. I don`t think, that they are happy if their contact info was spreaded widely (data security), so I`d propose to keep their contacts (only) at ICC and/or SC.\\

Added line 15:

- AGM 2005 - AGM 2004\\

November 15, 2005, at 12:53 PM by markus
Added lines 1-28:

November 04, 2005, at 04:48 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Deleted lines 0-109:

November 01, 2005, at 02:29 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Changed lines 74-75 from:

[Gabby's QUESTION: Should the Steering Wiki be sent to the list with comments in brackets (like this specific comment)? I think we should try to clear these internal conversations up before sending it, but maybe that is too much to ask since a lot of these things are an ongoing discussion until the AGM.]


[Gabby's QUESTION: Should the Steering Wiki be sent to the list with comments in brackets (like this specific comment)? I think we should try to clear these internal conversations up before sending it, but maybe that is too much to ask since a lot of these things are an ongoing discussion until the AGM. See Item #4 specifically...]

Changed lines 79-80 from:

9. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?


9. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?

November 01, 2005, at 02:27 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Changed lines 79-80 from:

9. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?


9. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?

November 01, 2005, at 02:24 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Changed lines 96-99 from:


Changed lines 102-105 from:

We decided: "If the Steering Committee loses a member, the Advisory Board will be notified and asked to decide if a replacement person is necessary. (Once the Steering Committee reaches six members, the Advisory Board must act to replace at least one Steering Committee member."

Randy, 31 Aug: I would propose that the first sentence be modified to "Also, if the Steering Committee loses a member for whatever reason, the Advisory Board will be notified and asked to select a replacement." ...and that the second sentence in parentheses be removed. This is because the statutes as written leave no option. The Steering Committee advises of interim vacancies and the Advisory Board appoints replacements. Any change in this probably should be handled as a change in the Statutes.


Previously we decided for our internal SC rules: "If the Steering Committee loses a member, the Advisory Board will be notified and asked to decide if a replacement person is necessary. (Once the Steering Committee reaches six members, the Advisory Board must act to replace at least one Steering Committee member."

On October 27 we changed this to: "Also, if the Steering Committee loses a member for whatever reason, the Advisory Board will be notified and asked to select a replacement."

Reason for change: The Statutes as written leave no option. The Steering Committee advises of interim vacancies and the Advisory Board appoints replacements. Any change in this probably should be handled as a change to the Statutes.

November 01, 2005, at 02:22 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Changed lines 54-56 from:

Randy 2005-07-27 "[carfree_network] List facilitator": I just wrote in my last message that Arie Farnam would be the new facilitator for this list. However, she's not attached to doing the job, and we just had our weekly office meeting and decided it might be better to have someone outside the International Coordination Centre as the facilitator. So if you would like to volunteer, please send an e-mail OFF-LIST to info@worldcarfree.net. We will ask the network's Steering Committee to make the final choice.


Sara Stout is now the list facilitator.

Changed lines 59-60 from:

Charter should include not just cars but also other motorized vehicles ("individual motorized vehicles" to be reworded, sent to list for comments and approved by SC)


Changed lines 73-77 from:

Randy, 3 August "RE: [sc-wcn] Minutes from Meeting no. 1": (...) let's put it on our agenda to choose someone to write the first one, or we can do it together via Wiki (...)

Randy, 29 August: Since we have our decisions recorded on a Wiki page already, perhaps we can just use that as the basis for such a report, and send it to the carfree_network list four times a year.


Gabrielle Hermann will send a report to the list ASAP. She will copy this Wiki page and send it.
[Gabby's QUESTION: Should the Steering Wiki be sent to the list with comments in brackets (like this specific comment)? I think we should try to clear these internal conversations up before sending it, but maybe that is too much to ask since a lot of these things are an ongoing discussion until the AGM.]

All decisions are considered provisional until Rajendra and Ton--who were unable to attend the meeting--approve of our decisions.

Changed lines 81-84 from:


Changed lines 91-93 from:

We would like to get the member organisations more active. We will start by asking each member organisation to choose a contact person (liaison) to the network, and in the future have them provide that when they join the network. We will also develop some kind of survey to find out what the member organisations want and how they want to participate.


No decision necessary. Randy gave a report on his work to get each member organization to provide a liaison person for communication with the rest of the network. He is following up by getting announcements to those people, informing them of opportunities to get involved, sending a survey to them, etc. This will be ongoing.

November 01, 2005, at 01:59 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Changed lines 48-50 from:


November 01, 2005, at 01:57 PM by Gabrielle Hermann
Changed lines 26-28 from:

Markus 2005-08-06 (no Mail): Is the role of SC just keep informed about developments and/or participate in some of them (with 1 Steerie in each) ? This is a question about the network`s direction also ...


September 27, 2005, at 04:02 PM by RG
Changed lines 11-12 from:

2. Press spokesperson?


DONE: 2. Press spokesperson?

Changed lines 18-23 from:

3. Relationship of SC to official WCN projects\\


DONE: 3. TCFC VII Host Outreach

When should the outreach occur to find a host organisation/location for the seventh Towards Carfree Cities conference? When should be the deadline for proposals?

4. Relationship of SC to official WCN projects\\

Changed lines 29-30 from:

4. Network direction


5. Network direction

Changed line 34 from:

5. Select facilitator for [carfree_network] list\\


6. Select facilitator for [carfree_network] list\\

Changed line 40 from:

6. AGM 2005 decided to change/develop the Charter\\


7. AGM 2005 decided to change/develop the Charter\\

Changed lines 55-56 from:

7. Who writes quarterly report to public [carfree_network] list


8. Who writes quarterly report to public [carfree_network] list

Changed lines 62-63 from:

8. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?


9. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?

Changed line 68 from:

9. Membership activation\\


10. Membership activation\\

Changed line 74 from:

10. How (not why) a disruptive member organisation can be removed\\


11. How (not why) a disruptive member organisation can be removed\\

Deleted lines 80-84:

11. TCFC VII Host Outreach

When should the outreach occur to find a host organisation/location for the seventh Towards Carfree Cities conference? When should be the deadline for proposals?

August 31, 2005, at 10:31 AM by RG
Changed lines 24-29 from:


4. Network direction

This is a very general but important item about the overall direction of the network. This could include proposals for concrete goals and objectives, etc.

Changed lines 57-61 from:

8. Network direction

This is a very general but important item about the overall direction of the network. This could include proposals for concrete goals and objectives, etc.


Changed lines 76-77 from:

11. next agenda item ...


11. TCFC VII Host Outreach

When should the outreach occur to find a host organisation/location for the seventh Towards Carfree Cities conference? When should be the deadline for proposals?

12. Revisiting a Previous Decision

We decided: "If the Steering Committee loses a member, the Advisory Board will be notified and asked to decide if a replacement person is necessary. (Once the Steering Committee reaches six members, the Advisory Board must act to replace at least one Steering Committee member."

Randy, 31 Aug: I would propose that the first sentence be modified to "Also, if the Steering Committee loses a member for whatever reason, the Advisory Board will be notified and asked to select a replacement." ...and that the second sentence in parentheses be removed. This is because the statutes as written leave no option. The Steering Committee advises of interim vacancies and the Advisory Board appoints replacements. Any change in this probably should be handled as a change in the Statutes.

August 29, 2005, at 01:03 PM by RG
Changed lines 1-5 from:


Changed lines 15-40 from:


Changed lines 35-39 from:

8. Who writes quarterly report to public [carfree_network] list

Randy 2005-08-03 "RE: [sc-wcn] Minutes from Meeting no. 1": (...) let's put it on our agenda to choose someone to write the first one, or we can do it together via Wiki (...)

9. AGM 2005 decided to change/develop the Charter\\


6. AGM 2005 decided to change/develop the Charter\\

Deleted lines 40-42:

10. AGM 2005 decided to change/develop the Statutes
WCN Statutes (2004): http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/statutes.php

Changed line 43 from:


Changed lines 48-55 from:

11. relationship of SC to official WCN projects
Projects: http://www.worldcarfree.net/projects/

Markus 2005-08-06 (no Mail): SC just keep informed about developments and/or participate in some of them (with 1 Steerie in each) ? This is a question about the network`s direction also ...

12. next agenda item ...


August 20, 2005, at 11:46 AM by markus
Changed lines 26-27 from:

[Follow the discussion at Markus` "secret page", last update there Aug 6.]


[Follow the discussion at Markus` "secret page", last update there Aug 17.]

August 06, 2005, at 05:47 PM by markus
Changed lines 1-2 from:

1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?


1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2006 in Bogota?

Changed lines 6-7 from:

2. Press spokesperson?


2. Press spokesperson?

Changed lines 10-11 from:

3. Network direction


3. Network direction

Changed lines 14-15 from:

4. Membership activation


4. Membership activation
WCN Member Orgs: http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/memberorgs.php

Changed lines 19-20 from:

5. Media working group / Mobility Justice Project


5. Media working group / Mobility Justice Project

Changed lines 26-27 from:

6. How (not why) a disruptive member organisation can be removed.


[Follow the discussion at Markus` "secret page", last update there Aug 6.]

6. How (not why) a disruptive member organisation can be removed
WCN Statutes (2004): http://www.worldcarfree.net/about_us/statutes.php

Added lines 33-67:

August 04, 2005, at 03:50 PM by RG
Added lines 1-28:

Page last modified on June 17, 2010, at 03:46 PM

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