World Carfree Network - Ideas

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August 03, 2009, at 08:55 PM by SF
Deleted line 19:
* Unordered list
Changed lines 50-53 from:
Workshop: experiences with, develop WCN policy on green-washing, give recommendations etc\\
Markus ask LobbyControl.de people if they have or know speakers related to transport\\
Jason K should facilitate this (not yet asked)
Workshop: experiences with, develop WCN policy on green-washing, give recommendations etc.\\
Markus ask LobbyControl.de people if they have or know speakers related to transport.\\
Jason K should facilitate this (not yet asked).
Changed lines 59-62 from:
Markus will ask Paul Nellen, german journalist-expert for Peak-Oil

maybe invite Transition Town people, Simon to try Peter Lipman from the UK.
Markus will ask Paul Nellen, german journalist-expert for Peak-Oil.

Maybe invite Transition Town people, Simon to try Peter Lipman from the UK.
Changed line 64 from:
- Markus ask Felix Creutzig, he wrote something about that ( http://creutzig.berkeley.edu/, now back in Berlin, very interested in carfree issues) \\
- Markus ask Felix Creutzig, he wrote something about that (http://creutzig.berkeley.edu/, now back in Berlin, very interested in carfree issues). \\
Changed lines 68-69 from:
- the CAS people (wcn member org) could report on e.g. car reduction in Basel and Zurich, Beat von Scarpatetti is very interested to come to the seminar
- the CAS people (wcn member org) could report on e.g. car reduction in Basel and Zurich, Beat von Scarpatetti is very interested to come to the seminar.
Deleted line 83:
August 03, 2009, at 08:53 PM by SF
Changed lines 14-16 from:
Other survey results: most popular workshop: on carfree events and actions also EU policy and interaction least favourite still got 33 per cent (media) 72 percent interested in network development 56 per cent mobility justice 11 people ready to lead a workshop

Other survey results:

In descending order of interest:

* carfree events and actions
* Unordered list
* European policy and EU interaction
* network development
* mobility justice
* media

11 people would like to lead a workshop.

Changed line 36 from:
In case it doesn`t work for what-ever reason:\\
In case it doesn`t work for whatever reason:\\
Changed lines 51-54 from:
Workshop: experiences with, develop wcn-policy on green-washing, give recommendations etc\\
Markus ask LobbyControl.de-people if they have or know speakers related to transport\\
Jason should facilitate this (not yet asked)
Workshop: experiences with, develop WCN policy on green-washing, give recommendations etc\\
Markus ask LobbyControl.de people if they have or know speakers related to transport\\
Jason K should facilitate this (not yet asked)
Changed lines 62-63 from:
maybe invite TransitionTown people, Simon contacts Todd Limann/UK ?
maybe invite Transition Town people, Simon to try Peter Lipman from the UK.
Changed lines 66-67 from:
- Simon: ask Werner Broeg / Jillian Anable from socialdata ??
- Simon: ask Werner Broeg ??
Changed lines 69-70 from:
- the CAS people (wcn member org) could report, Beat is very interested to come to the seminar
- the CAS people (wcn member org) could report on e.g. car reduction in Basel and Zurich, Beat von Scarpatetti is very interested to come to the seminar
Changed lines 73-75 from:
- If people are interested, Pippa can organise this.

- If people are interested, Pippa can organise this. ''(SF: yes!).''

August 03, 2009, at 07:17 PM by Pippa
Added lines 30-31:
- What about someone from T&E?
Added lines 59-63:
'''International Financial Institutions' transport policies'''\\
- How do the EIB and EBRD promote cars/road transport and what can we do about it?
- If people are interested, Pippa can organise this.

August 03, 2009, at 06:39 PM by Markus
Changed lines 1-66 from:
We welcome your ideas for this 4-day event (with WCN AGM) to be held in Prague in autumn 2009.
We welcome your ideas for this 4-day event (with WCN AGM) to be held in Prague in autumn 2009.

'''A - Results from survey:'''

Results of the survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=6v51nHjeggFfJggmS21cZw_3d_3d (21 responses)

November - best month (50 per cent) Late October (44 percent)

4 day event: Thur-Sun suggested

Decision: 5-8 Nov, to be confirmed by ICC meeting and change approved by funder

Other survey results: most popular workshop: on carfree events and actions also EU policy and interaction least favourite still got 33 per cent (media) 72 percent interested in network development 56 per cent mobility justice 11 people ready to lead a workshop

'''B - collection of programme ideas - theme & speakers:'''

Report and/or Workshop on ...

'''Carfree Day Events & Actions:'''\\
There was a very large and succesful cfd in Hannover, full of street events, at May 17, 2009 (see map with big closed area in http://www.hannover.de/autofrei)\\
Markus asked already the organising woman from Hannover city admin, she is interested to come and present, and wcn-member-org "autofrei leben!" could sponsor her travel costs - but all needs to be confirmed finally (as soon as Seminar-date is confirmed finally).\\
In case it doesn`t work for what-ever reason:\\
- alternatives ??

'''EU policy and interaction:'''\\
- speaker ?

'''network development:'''\\
- speaker ?

'''mobility justice:'''\\
- speaker ?

Workshop: experiences with, develop wcn-policy on green-washing, give recommendations etc\\
Markus ask LobbyControl.de-people if they have or know speakers related to transport\\
Jason should facilitate this (not yet asked)

'''Peak-Oil and its local consequences:'''\\
"think global - act local", political "Peak-Oil-resolutions" at community level etc, good example S.F. and other cities\\
Simon will ask monbiot.com, see \\
http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2007/05/29/what-if-the-oil-runs-out/ \\
if he refuses, \\
Markus will ask Paul Nellen, german journalist-expert for Peak-Oil

maybe invite TransitionTown people, Simon contacts Todd Limann/UK ?

'''Behaviour Change:'''\\
- Markus ask Felix Creutzig, he wrote something about that ( http://creutzig.berkeley.edu/, now back in Berlin, very interested in carfree issues) \\
- Simon: ask Werner Broeg / Jillian Anable from socialdata ??

'''Swiss transport policies:'''\\
- the CAS people (wcn member org) could report, Beat is very interested to come to the seminar

'''Carfree Movie Night:'''\\
- "''The End Of Suburbia''" (http://www.endofsuburbia.com/ +
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_End_of_Suburbia )

- "''The Age Of Stupid''"\\

- new movie from auto*mat (member org): ''Documentary on Prague bike and anti-car movement''\\
Details from Danie Mourek (tbc) and at http://www.automatfilm.cz/
August 03, 2009, at 05:57 PM by SF
Added line 1:
We welcome your ideas for this 4-day event (with WCN AGM) to be held in Prague in autumn 2009.
Page last modified on August 03, 2009, at 08:55 PM

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