World Carfree Network - ICC

ICC.ICCMeetingMay282009 History

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June 03, 2009, at 09:03 PM by tanja
Changed line 14 from:


Changed lines 17-20 from:


Changed line 29 from:


Changed lines 34-35 from:
  • Logo redesign contest - We're planning to launch a contest in order to get proposals for a new logo for WCN (everyone at the ICC is in favor of redesigning the logo). We'll announce the contest in the next bulletin and hopefully have few proposals in time for the Prague AGM for the network to choose from.

  • Logo redesign contest - We're planning to launch a contest in order to get proposals for a new logo for WCN. (Everyone at the ICC is in favor of redesigning the logo). We'll announce the contest in the next bulletin and hopefully have few proposals in time for the Prague AGM for the network to choose from.

June 03, 2009, at 08:58 PM by tanja
Added lines 1-36:

Page last modified on June 03, 2009, at 09:03 PM

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