World Carfree Network - ICC

ICC.ICCMeetingJuly3 History

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July 03, 2007, at 03:10 PM by CB
Added line 16:
4. Conference-Youth Exchange\\
July 03, 2007, at 03:08 PM by CB
Changed lines 25-27 from:
1. Website

!! 1. Website
Changed lines 47-48 from:
2. Decentralisation

!! 2. Decentralisation

Changed lines 67-68 from:
3. conference/youth exchange

!! 3. conference/youth exchange

Changed lines 74-75 from:
4. EYF Youth Exchange 2008

!! 4. EYF Youth Exchange 2008

Changed lines 89-90 from:
5. Network programmes

!! 5. Network programmes

Changed lines 98-99 from:
6. Updating How-to Guides

!! 6. Updating How-to Guides

Changed lines 104-106 from:
7. Bogota
7. Bogota money issue
Changed lines 112-113 from:
8. protocoll for communication (wcn/icc, sc, ab)

!! 8. protocoll for communication (wcn/icc, sc, ab)

Changed lines 118-119 from:
9. Cooking schedule and minutes/facilitator schedule

!! 9. Cooking schedule and minutes/facilitator schedule
July 03, 2007, at 03:06 PM by CB
Changed lines 9-11 from:
*We did not make a calendar for minutes or facilitator as we agreed to do at last week's meeting. We should do so.
*Randy posted new work schedule to google calendars
*Kamilla put up july calendar and system
Changed lines 20-21 from:
7. Cooking schedule + minutes/facilitator schedule
7. protocoll for communication (wcn/icc, sc, ab)
8. Cooking schedule + minutes/facilitator schedule
Changed lines 28-29 from:
Christi mentions donor page under about us section. kamila agrees. this would be for "supporters" funders and donors, keep language of "funders", both individual and agencies.
Marialena will make this page. We might ask individual owners if they want to be listed, who wants to be anonymous. should be year by year, and also a sentence thanking anonymous donors. Christi will check with all the donors.

Website is a bit confusing, needs some clean-up. Marialena will look through the website, and with input, can work on that. In some cases we could combine some menu categories to simplify.
Conference page and Archives section needs to be changed slightly, especially as 'archives' should be 'past conferences'
Steve might need to be contacted for some help with website.

Randy suggests drop down menus, not needing to reduce the number of items. Solution could be to have larger categories with smaller subcategories, to not have over a dozen menu items - four or five main topics with a number of sub-categories.


everyone will look at websites, think about it some, and make suggestions by next week, can also be postponed until the week after, if needs be. special meeting for website? possible date for this would be 24th of july. first meeting with just icc, then when we realize, incorporate steve v.p.
Added line 46:
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3. EYF Youth Exchange 2008
what projects could be decentralized? christi says greenpages, for ex. many things should be decentralized.

make associated proposal to go to AGM.

randy's proposal to have a paper in the office, where we draw decentralization/non-dec. on the paper

christi makes a chart and puts on wall, and people think about what could be decentralized, but isnt now. will discuss those, takes some steps before the AGM, then it talk about it there.

3. conference/youth exchange

who goes to both? how does that work? if christi or jason want to do something, let randy knew. kamilla wants to know eventually about people's travel plans.

4. EYF Youth Exchange 2008
Changed lines 72-76 from:
4. Network programmes

5. Updating How-to Guides

6. Bogota
kamilla says, we could send out announcement to member orgs, who could think about what kind of exchange could happen. also will be pretty easy to apply with them for the oct.1 deadline, so that can happen even after AGM.

randy says ideas from the past: people wanted a gathering like that each year. could it be possible for this, but with different themes, and having skills training, etc. tom had the idea for something like this in holland or northern germany, to check best practices, etc.

ask member orgs! (we have to think of 10,000 euro budget)

randy says meeting has to stick to eyf priorities. should keep focus on that, or we won't get it. ask for more money, but just count on less (thus, internal and external budget)

5. Network programmes

Justin proposed an awards scheme/competition set up, where member orgs can enter projects into the competition, and these would be under WCN auspices. could be a yearly basis, and be both monetary prizes and recognition.

Generally sounds good. justin will send comments and original article article highlighting this scheme elsewhere.

6. Updating How-to Guides

kamilla was doing some updating, but found that some things are a bit old. can randy update howtoguide, randy says login is pretty easy. randy says okay, he'll have a look.

7. Bogota
Changed lines 94-96 from:
Decision: Randy will try to get an answer by next week's meeting

7. Cooking schedule and minutes/facilitator schedule
'''Decision''': Randy will try to get an answer by next week's meeting
Randy says it is already in the minutes.

8. protocoll for communication (wcn/icc, sc, ab)

member orgs should be able to contact committees (such as steering committee) for comment, but there needs to be a specific wording, that the sc-icc liason should be contacted, and not all the members of the (sc) at once. if we want to change the statutes at the AGM we can do that, but until then, we can already have a provisional clarification on protocol up on the site.

9. Cooking schedule and minutes/facilitator schedule
July 03, 2007, at 12:53 PM by CB
Changed lines 19-20 from:

July 03, 2007, at 12:51 PM by CB
Changed lines 7-8 from:
*Kamila and Christi checked budgets. We can pay for Jason's travel, 1 week accommodation + food, and 2 days facilitation. We cannot pay more, so Jason will be the facilitator of the AGM only.
*Kamila and Christi checked budgets. We can pay for Jason's travel, 1 week accommodation + food, and 2 days facilitation.
We cannot pay more, so Jason will be the facilitator of the AGM only.
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Changed line 32 from:
a. At AGM, working groups propose projects, b. Fundraiser presents EC and Council of Europe funding opportunities, c. concensus discussion of most feasible and fundable projects the network would like to pursue ensues and we decide which projects to undertake, c. Because EC and Council are both unlikely to give multiple project grants to one organisation, member orgs offer to submit proposals according to their interest, d. Because of funding deadlines, this means that the upcoming AGM would entail planning the period June 2008-June 2009 rather than the calendar year 2008, e. existing projects that can be should be decentralised, so we should brainstorm a list of possibilities and Justin should ask member orgs to volunteer (i.e. greenpages was previously an example).
-At AGM, working groups propose projects, - Fundraiser presents EC and Council of Europe funding opportunities, - Concensus discussion of most feasible and fundable projects the network would like to pursue ensues and we decide which projects to undertake, -Because EC and Council are both unlikely to give multiple project grants to one organisation, member orgs offer to submit proposals according to their interest, -Because of funding deadlines, this means that the upcoming AGM would entail planning the period June 2008-June 2009 rather than the calendar year 2008, -existing projects that can be should be decentralised, so we should brainstorm a list of possibilities and Justin should ask member orgs to volunteer (i.e. greenpages was previously an example).
July 03, 2007, at 12:38 PM by CB
Added lines 1-51:
Page last modified on July 03, 2007, at 03:10 PM

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