World Carfree Network - ICC

ICC.ICCMeetingDecember6 History

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December 06, 2006, at 03:29 PM by sl
Changed lines 1-26 from:


29.11.2006 Attending: Joao, Christi, Randy, Steven, Anna, Kamila


- Tomorrow is Auto*Mat party

- Friday is fair trade/coop meeting night at Muddum.

- Christi is leaving early Friday.

- Ivan Gregov from Zagreb will be in Prague next week (re: Bike Tour

Agenda Items

- Biketour: Do we want to do the project and apply for the grant? Background: We applied on Nov. 1, but the EC told us that there was no Nov. 1 deadline, so we apply February 1. Kamila is proposing that we not apply for the Biketour grant because of the late date, because we wouldn't know if we got the grant until it was too late to hire somebody to work on it and to get the Biketour started and together. We do not have enough money to advance it. This doesn't mean that the Biketour cannot happen, they can still do it without the grant. There would not be an EVS for next year for the biketour. Decision: We let the Biketour do the tour themselves in 2007 and we can consider it again for 2008; we can offer an EVS person, only under the condition that there will be someone to give him/her guidelines; however, since the earliest an EVS person can come is May 2007, the only way an EVS person could work on it would have to be associated with Biketour. We can also continue doing outreach via magazine and bulletin. We also would like the Biketour to ask if WCN can contribute in other ways. The other issue is how long does Roeland work here for: Kamila and Radka propose he is paid until the end of December

- Carbusters Magazine:

- Core Grants: The youth grant is due on Dec. 22, but they haven't posted the official form yet; The DG Environment grant is due Jan 20, but the forms are not out yet; Christi will call to see if these are final deadlines; the youth grant is almost complete.

- Deadlines for Reports: Randy will finish final report for Bogota TRUE exchange needs submitted by Dec. 31, but he will submit it earlier; Christi needs to talk to project coordinators about when they have deadliness.

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I think futurewise it would be best if you guys plumped out CAR CULT, WORLD NEWS, MEMBER PROFILE, RESOURCES, and ANNOUNCEMENTS (to which of course I would also contribute).


CAR CULT, WORLD NEWS, MEMBER PROFILE, RESOURCES, and ANNOUNCEMENTS - He should coordinate it; EVS volunteers and Prague-based volunteers - editorial meetings scheduled beforehand - Rob should prepare these meetings - emphasize diversity - Rob, Randy, and EVS are editorial collective

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I've been spending too much time cruising lists and researching. That would leave me to focus on ACTION, LETTERS, FEATURES, layout, and PR.



December 06, 2006, at 10:08 AM by sl
Added lines 1-7:

Carbusters - print run - co-editor responsibilities/volunteers I think futurewise it would be best if you guys plumped out CAR CULT, WORLD NEWS, MEMBER PROFILE, RESOURCES, and ANNOUNCEMENTS (to which of course I would also contribute).

I've been spending too much time cruising lists and researching. That would leave me to focus on ACTION, LETTERS, FEATURES, layout, and PR.

Page last modified on December 06, 2006, at 03:29 PM

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